Take a seat! Use your feet to see if barefoot massage is right for you!

This is a sampler class to see if FasciAshi or Fijian Barefoot Massage (or both!) are right for you and your clients! HandsFree is offered as a 1 day class, or a 1/2 day class, depending on location and instructor preference.
Come learn general barefoot massage techniques for the clients upper body with them in prone, side lying and supine positions while the massage therapist works from a seated position. You’ll get to give and receive a bit of both Fijian Barefoot Massage and introductory level strokes from the FasciAshi Fundamentals class, so that you can be better educated on which route is right for your and your clients: on the table, or on the mat.
This is a Bar-less sampling of strokes that we will teach you – strokes that do not require the use of overhead bars. No standing strokes will be taught. (Although if the training location is equipped with overhead bar support, our instructors will give you the opportunity to stand on a massage table, hold the bars, and see what it is like to be up top!)
You’ll start to discover different aspects of your feet and leg weight as tools to apply deep tissue, trigger point, fascial stretch and release techniques in the cervical spine, thoracics and shoulder complex – in some cases massaging with your feet and hands simultaneously!
8 Hour classes are $250, and 4 hour classes are $125. A Non-Refundable 50% retainer is required to hold your spot in class - the remaining balance is due before class starts.
Therapists will learn:
- a sampling of all “seated” material taught from the FasciAshi Fundamentals class
- Abbreviated theory of myofascial barefoot massage pertaining to trigger point and sustained compression
- Structural benefits to every stroke
- Ashi-Strap work to help angle your pressure without straining your upper body
- Appropriate biomechanics to save their body and working intricately
- Detailed neck, chest, shoulder and arm work
- Pro-Tip To Prepare: Here are scenes from when we taught HandsFree at the 2018 Las Vegas World Massage Festival, and it was THE BIGGEST barefoot massage class in the world, ever, with almost 100 LMT’s registered! (93, to be exact!)
Therapists will practice on and receive feedback from:
- 1-2 other therapists in class
- In class, you will:
- Give 2-3 hours of massage during this class
- Receive 2-3 hours of massage from other students
What's next?
This sampler class does not serve as a prerequisite to any other course on our roster. If you found that the material presented in this HandsFree sampler class was for you and you would like to get more detailed strokes and learn the full body application of FasciAshi while standing on the table, then you are welcome to start your official training in the FasciAshi Fundamentals class. If you found that seated is the way to be – then consider attending the 2 day Fijian Barefoot Massage class, where you’ll learn an entire full body massage that can be done while seated in a chair!