Specialized tracks & Endorsements
Updated 6/1/2021, 2/9/2023 & 10/13/2023
As of June 2021 we paused our Certification Process indefinitely, and as of February 2023, testing or any kind of past Center for Barefoot Massage “Certification” are no longer required (or offered.)
To attend a Specialty Track Class, all you need to do is attend it’s corresponding required core class! Now it’s easier than ever to specialize in your niche track of Barefoot Massage!!!
Certification/Endorsements are not required to provide the work.
Once trained in a specific level of FasciAshi, then you have that scope of work added to your Barefoot Massage scope of Training, and you are free to use that work on the public professionally.
Certification is not required to continue your training with us.
Our students have always been able to move into deeper levels of training such as Intermediate, ROM and Advance FasciAshi without the need to be “Certified.”
Our only class that required Certification is the Hot Ashi Relax Track class, and we are waiving Certification requirements for full access to this specialty class for anyone who has attended our FasciAshi Fundamentals course.
Every attendee in our classes will receive their NCBTMB Continuing Education hour transcript, verifying their time spent in training with us. Training is NOT the same as *Certification.
To us, *Certification has always meant that you’ve shown your work, and we vouch for your representation of FasciAshi. It’s not easy, and it’s not granted automatically – our *Certification stood as a badge of honor for those who choose to deepen their understanding of the techniques and theories presented in each class. This level of distinction was previously awarded to those who mindfully completed a self-study, online testing and case-study process. HOWEVER; to help the future of the massage industry with consistency around naming credentialing programs, to help reduce confusion within the massage professionals and public, we have ethically chosen to stay in our lane, and only offer Continuing Education credits – not also an Assessment-Based Certificate, which is what we were previously doing. Read this article from Whitney Lowe for better insight.
Prior to 2020, we had *Certification available, for a fee in addition to their course tuition, for our Alumni who attend the following classes:
- Fundamentals class + fee/test/video/evaluations > Certified FasciAshi Barefoot Massage Therapist
- Range of Motion (ROM) class + fee/test/video/evaluations > Range of Motion Certified FasciAshi Barefoot Massage Therapist
- Advanced class + fee/test/video/evaluations > Advanced Certified FasciAshi Barefoot Massage Therapist
- Fijian Barefoot Massage class + fee/test/video/evaluations > Certified Fijian Barefoot Massage Therapist
These Certifications have been grandparented and retired as of June 2021.
If anything, down the road we may possibly revisit the idea of considering offering Endorsements, which may require something like attendance in Fundamentals, Intermediate, ROM and Advanced, and case studies… but ethically this may be no different than the problems that arise in our profession surrounding the “Certificate/Certification” versus training and CE Transcript confusion. We’re trying to do our part in raising the massage therapy profession to a higher standard, and honestly passing out pretty pieces of paper to people who didn’t have the overwhelming anxiety to complete a test and video audition process is not a fair recognition of skill or competency in our content.
Our alumni are more than welcome to print out the CE Transcript of Hours PDF files that we email following every class attended. You may frame and hang that document on your wall to recognize your achievement in training in that way! (They are pretty, if it matters!)

What is the Certification Process?
- Attend the classes that have Certification as an option: (Fundamentals, ROM & Advanced)
- Complete and document (through client evaluations) 20 practice FasciAshi sessions (60 minutes to 2 hour sessions each, depending on your timing.)
- It is your choice on how to offer these sessions to your clients. Some LMT’s choose to discount their services until they pass Certification, some choose to work on friends/family/associates who are not clients, some chose to work for tips/trades/etc – the approach you take to arranging these 20+ practical hours is completely up to you, your business plan, your marketing strategy and can be considered as part of your new massage service launch roll-out.
- Log in to the Alumni Membership website for the remaining steps.
- Pay $80
- Take a 30-minute online test and pass with a score of at least 78% (You get 3 tries!)
- Submit video audition demonstrating your safety and skills (specific strokes or scenarios will be requested for each class.)
- Upload Client Evaluations and Videos for review
- Receive:
- FEET-back from Jeni Spring on videos, and from Mary-Claire on your test results.
- Your official Certificate in the mail celebrates your 20+ hour self-study accomplishment on top of your time spent in class training, and it offers the Center for Barefoot Massage’s official stamp of approval on your representation of the FasciAshi style!
- Access to the corresponding Track of specialty classes!
Track classes
Become a Barefoot Massage Specialist
Our focused Track Classes are only available to those who pass the corresponding level of training in our core class(es). Once you’ve stepped up your game by learning FasciAshi, these specialty tracks allow you to cater your training to your clients. As of February 2023, testing or any kind of past Certification are no longer required to attend a Specialty Track Class: only it’s corresponding required core class! Now it’s easier than ever to specialize in your niche track of Barefoot Massage!!!
- Fundamentals trained FasciAshi Barefoot Massage Therapist >> Relax Track
- Range of Motion trained FasciAshi Barefoot Massage Therapist >> Sports Track
- Advanced trained FasciAshi Barefoot Massage Therapist >> Clinical Track
- Fijian/Matwork trained Barefoot Massage Therapist >> Matwork Track
With each specialty course, you’ll be able to niche down into your area of expertise and stoke your interests with a focus. PLUS: you’ll be learning it from an expert on the subject! Our FasciAshi Faculty are only going to teach the courses that resonate with them based on their own years of experience and studies – so different Track Classes will be available at each Center for Barefoot Massage Training Campus! Our instructors will be touring our network of training campuses, offering their flavor of FasciAshi periodically though out the year. We’ll be releasing new classes to these track rosters as the content is written, tested and developed to help continue your growth and the growth of the barefoot massage industry! Stay tuned as the Center for Barefoot Massage grows! #NeverStopLearning!