Are you tough enough to challenge the way you massage? Can you question the way you think about WHY you do what you do during each massage? Step up to our 5 week massage challenge that will change your massage game.

Last week we had you start at the clients feet and see how that changes your perspective. How did it go?!
This week gives a shout out to the surfers who lead with the “wrong” foot. Once upon a time, a Disney artist drew Goofy surfing with a different than usual foot forward, and it’s been coined as a common phrase in any board sport like surfing, snowboarding or skateboarding.
The goal is for you to try something new within your massages, contemplate WHY or HOW it works, and then market that aspect to your online community. You are marketing to potential customers, not the massage crowd, so the hidden bonus for you is that over the remaining 4 weeks you can generate new content aimed at your target market with a renewed appreciation for how you do what you do, based on the direct feedback of your existing clients.
1.1- Feb. 22-26 Start the massage at the clients feet #FeetFirst #AshiChallenge1point1
1.2- March 1-5 Scroll down to see this weeks challenge! #GoofyFoot #AshiChallenge1point2
1.3- March 8-12
1.4- March 15-19
1.5- March 22-26
Your mission for WEEK 2: should you choose to accept it…
Spend 20 minutes straight per session massaging ONLY with your non-dominant footr non-dominant foot

Take note of the following questions while providing your massages this week:
How does this change your focus?
Can you do a WHOLE BODY massage this way!?
Did you feel creative? Frustrated? Have any “WOW” moments?
What differences did you notice within the session – especially when you tried this on regularly scheduled clients?
What did your client(s) notice with this new intention?
Can you convey these realizations within your marketing?
Show your work and tag @CenterForBarefootMassage on Instagram using the hashtags #barefootmassage #AshiChallenge1point2 #AshiChallenge #GoofyFoot
We’ll repost and FEETURE the AshiChallenge post with the most likes/hearts each week.