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Tag: business

The subtle art of giving a F*ck

When we started the Center for Barefoot Massage, we set out with some high expectations for ourselves.


We had the vision to teach our style of ashiatsu to massage therapists, and we wanted to back it with not just quality content in classes, but more importantly, high quality substance to every aspect of the company.

We wanted to make sure that our faculty is in touch with their students, the community, and the massage industry so that we keep it real.


We want you to learn FasciAshi from someone who uses the technique every week. We want you to study under someone who leads their practice and massage business by example. We want to train therapists in person, look them in the eyes, touch them with our SOLES, and pass our knowledge onto the next generation of barefoot massage therapists. We feel that a person shouldn’t own a massage continuing education company if they aren’t teaching and practicing the work themselves – so we continue to do “all the things” for you every day.

The integrity level of every member on our sometimes overwhelmed, busy team shows through in their passion for the work they each present. You’ll feel it embedded within FasciAshi as you personally grow with the technique. We hope to raise the standard on barefoot massage education, and to help support the massage industry rise to great heights. (And I’m not just being ‘punny’ and talking about stepping up onto a massage table here, folks!)

10 easy ways to get your clients to say “YES!” to barefoot massage

So you’ve taken the first step and learned a beginner’s level ashiatsu barefoot massage. Practice and feedback make perfect, so you’ve listened to your practice clients’ constructive criticism and have achieved a certain level of comfort in your barefoot bodywork. But how do you transition your clients to barefoot massage?

Many of us hate the thought of marketing ourselves because we hope that the public will somehow know how fantastic we are (because we put out good vibes, right?).

Maybe you’re worried that because you live in Podunksville that people will think you’re weird for using your feet to massage.

But in your heart and sole 😉 you know that barefoot massage is the best way to give your clients the deep tissue massage they need without hurting yourself. It’s the only way you’ll be able to successfully continue your massage practice for years to come.

Are you excited about the work? Clients will quickly absorb your enthusiasm! Here’s what Sara Newberry Clavenna had to say about her transition.

I went full on ashi all the time. My clients were mostly excited/intrigued which really fueled even more of my excitement. It really helped that I was super stoked before I went to the training.

Dawn Dotson had the same approach, saying she “started the hype” before she went to class proceeded to incorporate it with her clients right away. Importantly, she also “proceeded to get feedback. I spent a good 30 extra minutes on feedback and follow-up after each session.”

Another experienced massage therapist did the same, “I simply told my clients we were doing a new thing and that was that.”

Importantly, they did not charge more for barefoot massage, because they had already figured out it was the key to career longevity.

Ashiatsu barefoot massage on Pinterest

Have you gotten sucked into the Pinterest vortex yet? It’s is such a great place to learn about amazing products and projects, to reference articles that you’ve seen but don’t have time to read just yet.

Ready to learn more about all things barefoot massage? Head on over to our FasciAshi boards!

If we get started on Pinterest, time flies, doesn’t it? You may as well make good use of your pinning addiction and see what kind of fun stuff we at Center for Barefoot Massage can show you!

The great thing about pinning one of our tricks (or following the board!) is that you can easily find what you’re looking for later if you don’t have time to check it out now.

Going back over your own boards can be like flipping through magazines made entirely of what you love. -Laura Grace Weldon

On our Massage Business Tips, you’ll find links to our business-y blog posts and other guest posts we’ve written as bloggers.

There are fun and silly foot quotes and useful tips for self-care. Our team’s featured guest blog posts are there too.

Want to know about more barefoot massage classes to take?We’ve got it.

Tips and Tricks for Ashiatsu are there too! 

Your Pinterest addiction may also help you move along that barefoot massage career of yours. Some pins may be a source of inspiration, and others may give you a big fat “a-ha! Why didn’t I think of that???” moment.

What are your favorite things to love on Pinterest? Is there anything you’d like to see on our boards? Comment below and don’t forget to share the love!


3 top free email marketing programs for massage therapists

Emailing your massage clients periodically should be a given, like Marketing 101.  You can send them monthly tips about health or something interesting, and you can also let them know your upcoming openings or changes in your schedule. But how do you do that without emailing each person individually?

An email marking service is the best way to go. You can either use plain text for a simple email (apparently, your clients’ inboxes are less likely to send them to spam that way. Read more about that here). You can also design something nice (which is what we do) that will mesh with your website.

We are going to skip over the paid versions because if you’re just learning about this now, a free version will probably suffice nicely.