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Tag: CA

Spotlight! Myofascial Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage Training on the Central California Coast with instructor Missy Anderson-Fritch

Experienced Barefoot Massage Therapist? Check. Business owner, mom, been in the biz almost a quarter of a century? CHECK! We’re excited to introduce this new member of our team to you: Meet Missy from San Luis Obispo, our Central California Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage Instructor!

Her 1st class is December 1-3, 2022: sign up by November 1st and join Missy and Jeni for a fabulous weekend in the FasciAshi Fundamentals class!

Sign up here

Your name

Missy Anderson-Fritch


Dog named Mister (a sassy 6-year-old husky/pit mix), 2 black cats- Romeo & Juliette, 11-year-old siblings born on the fall Equinox… how very witchy.

Tell us about your family too.

Single mom of two teenage boys Marshall 17 & Carter 16. Marshall does JuJitsu. Carter is gonna be a rock star.

Spotlight! Barefoot Massage Training in CA with instructor Ashley Shears

Have you dreamed of moving to the west coast to enjoy a life where you can walk outside barefoot 24/7? Our barefoot Instructor-in-Training Ashley Shears has done just that! While we may be a little envious of that beach life, we’re excited to introduce her to you!

Your name

Ashley Shears


Although I’m currently pet-less, I had many pets growing up! I had 2 cocker spaniels (Sam & Sadie), 1 black lab (Scotty), 2 cats (Oscar & Misty), 4 finches (Minnie, Mickey, Daisy, & Donald) [My family loved Disney!], and a hamster my brother named Muffin. 

Tell us about your family too.

I grew up in a small railroad town in northeast Indiana. Though my family was small (just my brother and me), we had lots of cousins which made it seem like our family was huge! Most of my family still lives in my small town with the exception of my brother, who lives in Colorado, and myself. 

What did you want to be when you grew up and why?