If you’re reading this on December 15, you still have time to enter to win our FREE one day of class drawing! We’ll choose the winner tomorrow, December 16, 2017.
Click here to enter!
You just need to be a massage therapist in order to redeem your one day of free class, and it’s not transferable. So don’t enter your Grandma’s email hoping she’ll win and give it to you. ?
Take a one day of our massage continuing ed classes, and it’s free. (This would apply to our Converge class, and you need to be a barefoot therapist to take the class.)
Enrolling in a 2-day class (ROM, Intermediate, or Advanced) means you’ll only have to pay for 1 day. And that means if you win and discover the art of barefoot FasciAshi massage, our 3-day Fundamentals, class, you pay for just 2 days.
It’s a saving of $224! Woot woot!
Which class will you take if you win?
Fine print: there is no cash value, and it's still not transferable to anyone else. You simply don't pay for one day of our classes if you win.
Know a massage therapist who’s ready to save his / her career and body? Pass them this info, but remember that it needs to be tonight because we are doing the drawing on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2017!