Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing. – Pelé
Why you should continue to take continuing ed ce classes in barefoot massage…
This is day 4 of 5- our team of barefoot massage instructors is getting 2 feet deep into learning two of the Center for Barefoot Massage’s new courses.
We began with instructor training with a FasciAshified version of Fijian (with permission from Fijian founder Lolita Knight) and are completing our barefoot training with our new class, Hot Ashi.
(Not all instructors will teach both modalities-you’ll get to travel to learn from and meet other instructors!)
Our instructors all specialize in barefoot massage.
But there’s always room to grow and to learn.
We instructors all are considered experts in our field, and yet we all continue to tweak our moves and discover new barefoot modalities. We work with other instructors to find how we can do better, how we can problem solve more efficiently.
Some therapists think that if they learn something once, they can “figure the other stuff out” on their own. Maybe, and maybe not.
Did you know that all of our instructors have been in a Fundamentals class at least 3-4 times? We have our own instructor certification process just like you do for the Center for Barefoot Massage’s certification.
And we retake classes. As the co-founder, I drove to St. Louis from Cincinnati to take Intermediate with Jeni and Sara even though I’d already been teaching it.
Why? Because we learn tips and tricks and hear new questions in every class.
We receive barefoot massages (it’s a great way to learn what you like and what you don’t about someone else’s barefoot massage technique), we take massage courses, ask questions and continue our quest for knowledge.
Some massage therapists think if they’ve taken a class once, there’s no need to take it again. Or maybe they believe they should get a “pass” for having done barefoot massage for a few years (or even a lot) and don’t want to start at the beginner level.
You always learn something new. If you don’t know the intention behind the strokes you’ve memorized, don’t know which muscles you’re working on, then it’s time to study.
This may be by simply diving into your manual again or it might mean taking a 1-day Revitalize refresher. For those who take a long time to put up their bars or don’t do much barefoot massage, we recommend retaking a course.
Want to just get better?
Retake a course. It doesn’t matter if you learn from the same barefoot massage instructor or you go to another barefoot massage training location. Every class is an opportunity for you to be the best you can be.
Here at the Center for Barefoot Massage, our team of Sole Sisters continues to learn and train so we can be the best in our personal practices.
We also want to share our love and knowledge of barefoot massage with other massage therapists.
Our team of instructors is phenomenal. We’ve laughed, worked, brainstorm, and have given feedback on what will make our courses more successful for you.

Because in turn, we can help you become more successful in your barefoot massage biz. And you can help the public.
How many lives can be positively influenced by your taking more classes?
We’re guessing a lot.
Our class schedule is HERE. We’d love to see you in another class again!