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Tag: podcast

Podcast and Mad Ninja Skills

Jeni and I have been featured on Massage Business Blueprint’s podcast with the subject being “What you need to know before you take a CE class.” In the interview, we discuss our history into how we became massage therapists and forayed into the careers we have now.

We also go over various points of our experience in having taught for so many years and what therapists should expect before even signing up for a class.

Sadly, because the podcast is only 34 minutes and not a lot longer, we had a lot of points that we wanted to cover but weren’t able to get to. That’s ok, though, because we’ll save those for another blog post.

We’ve got the podcast link below the video. Oh, and feel free to make fun of my ninja skills. ?

Listen to the podcast.

More information on our barefoot massage training CE classes can be found here.

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