Some people ask us if there is a certain ashiatsu massage table they should be using to do barefoot massage. While you can probably still use the table you already have, there are tables we definitely prefer. Our favorites are the Earthlite Ellora and Spirit.
Will other tables work?
The short answer is: it depends on the brand and model. We’ve worked on many different models with different results. Many tables cost less due to less solid materials and only 2″ of foam.
If you want your clients to come back, make sure your table has 3″ of foam.
Once I had a student working on me when I heard cracking coming from the table. A crack is very different from a creak. Feeling under the sides of the table, I discovered that the table was indeed cracking from front to back.
The more the therapist worked on me, the further the crack went. Soon it went towards the middle of the table, and that’s when I ended the session.
I was not about to crash naked onto the floor as the ashiatsu therapist toppled on top of me.
Was it the table or something else? Both, actually. The table was a poorly constructed table purchased at a big box store, and someone had jumped on it. The combination of the jumping and the less than stellar construction made the table break.
I suppose my liability insurance may cover something like this, but I’m not about to find out.
The Earthlite Ellora massage table
Earthlite is our all time favorite, in particular, the 35″ special order Ellora or the standard 32″ Ellora. With a lift capacity of 600 lbs, this massage table is our favorite for barefoot massage.
Here are some of our favorite features:
• Smooth, reliable electric lift. We’ve had ours for a long time with no problems.
• ADA Compliant -you get a tax credit because it goes really low to the ground. Check with your accountant for info about the tax credit. The height range: 18” to 37”.
• Heavy Duty Steel Frame. This will accommodate your heavy clients as well as you when you stand on the table.
• 3-Layer 3” deep padding for your client’s comfort.
• Wheels For Ease Of Movement-this bad boy is heavy but can be rolled easily.
• Easy to use foot pedal
• Made in the USA with components sourced globally
• Weight: 180 lbs
• Width: we recommend a minimum of 32”, but we can also special order a 35″ custom made table for your ashiatsu barefoot massage sessions. The wide table is great if you work on wide clients.
We love this table because of its durability and ease of movement. Even though this table weighs about 200 lbs (especially if you get the widest one), you can roll it with the client on it with relative ease. Moving a client on a portable is just not going to happen. (Why would you move the table? Maybe you’re too close to a wall or you got your table skirt stuck under it.)
Having an electric table makes life much easier when you work with a variety of client sizes. You easily move it up or down as needed, and you can do it during the massage too. The client really doesn’t feel much of anything.
Plus, these tables are built to last. I’ve had mine for over 13 years. This year I finally replaced the foot pedal, and I only lubricate the joints periodically.
The Earthlite Spirit massage table
Like the Ellora, the Spirit has a 3” triple density system, so it’s super comfy for your ashiatsu clients.
Why we like the Spirit
• Eco-friendly Materials, and it’s Made In USA
• Managed forest hard Maple
• Its strength is impressive with a 1000 lb. test!
• Made in USA from premium components sourced globally.
• With Shiatsu release cables, it can lay flat on the floor if you need it to.
• Weight: 33 – 35 lbs
• Widths: start at 28″, but we recommend the 32″ OR you can also special order this at 35″ so you can do your barefoot massage on big clients and still have room left for your feet on the table.
• While the height range is a standard 23” – 33”, you can special order it with shorter legs if you have a low ceiling or are tall. Like the Ellora, it’ll go down to 18″ or so.
• With a max. working weight of 800 lbs, this massage table is an excellent choice for an ashiatsu therapist looking for safety and comfort for his / her clients.
If an electric table is not in your near future due to expenses or the need for portability, the Spirit is an excellent choice for any barefoot massage therapist who uses an overhead support system.
While I usually work on my Ellora, I recently got an ashiatsu treatment on my Spirit. It really is a super comfortable table.
There are plenty of massage tables that work well. Make sure yours is solidly constructed. Ideally, it’ll have a working weight of 600 lbs, and don’t forget the 3″ of foam.
Buying a table used? Lie on the floor under the table as someone walks or crawls on top of it. Does it like sound like it’s cracking? Is the plywood bending? If so, avoid at all costs.
Remember that safety is your first priority, and comfort is next. Lie on your massage table periodically to make sure your client is getting the experience you want them to.
What’s your favorite table? Comment here or on our Facebook page!
As of 2022, the Center for Barefoot Massage has chosen to no longer serve as a direct vendor with Earthlite, and we will not be taking orders moving forward. You can order directly through Earthlite, Massage Warehouse, and even Amazon. Check with your massage association(s) to see if you qualify for a discount through them, and follow their process for ordering at their reduced rate.
Some people ask us if there is a certain ashiatsu massage table they should be using to do barefoot massage. While you can probably still use the table you already have, there are tables we definitely prefer. Our favorites are the Earthlite Ellora and Spirit. Will other tables work? The short answer is: it depends on the brand and model. We’ve worked…