With our price change on March 17, 2022, we’ve had to do a LOT of work. (Mostly Jeni. Mary-Claire here is trying to help.)
Because our barefoot massage website, barefoot blog site and membership site are so extensive, there’s a possibility that we’ve missed a price change here or that.
If you happen to notice anything not these current prices:
1 day class = $250
2 day class = $500
3 day class = $750
feel free to email me: mc@barefootmassagecenter.com
so I can change it.
You’re the best! Here’s to a fruitful and productive year!!!
With our price change on March 17, 2022, we’ve had to do a LOT of work. (Mostly Jeni. Mary-Claire here is trying to help.) Because our barefoot massage website, barefoot blog site and membership site are so extensive, there’s a possibility that we’ve missed a price change here or that. If you happen to notice anything not these current prices:…