Looking for Mid California and Central Coast barefoot massage classes? Our training center in San Luis Obispo is not too far from Morro Bay and Pismo Beach! We are just under 2 hours from Santa Barbara, about 2.5 hours from Big Sur, Fresno, Bakersfield and Ventura, and a plane flight from everywhere!
Check out the Mid California barefoot massage training website, slosolesbarefootmassagetraining.com
See a list of all classes coming to this location
@ BareFoot Body Works SLO
1107 Johnson Ave, San Luis Obispo, California, 93401
(805) 369-1542
- Read our Travel Suggestions
- San Luis Obispo County Regional Airport only 4 miles away
- The classroom can accommodate 6 students
- Fundamentals, Intermediate and ROM class taught here!