On March 17th, 2022, the Center for Barefoot Massage turns 5 years old!
Happy Birthday to us!
The size of the footprint that our Myofascial Ashiatsu and Fijian Barefoot Massage classes have left on the massage industry since we stepped on the scene back in 2017 is growing – and so are the life-changing foot-shaped impressions that our alumni are leaving on their clients across the nation.
We’ve come a long way in a short period of time, and we have our instructor team, our students, our amazing business sponsors/buddies like NCBTMB, AFMTE, Pure Pro Massage, Books of Discovery, Mother Earth Pillows, Bodywork Buddy, Lolita Knight, Ruth Werner, and Massage Blueprint, as well as our fans to thank. (Thank you all!!!)
As our birthday gift to YOU, we are now including more detailed, narrated study videos in the Alumni video vaults, with new “Footage” recorded throughout the year.
If you’ve trained with us already, go log in and watch!
After reassessing where we’ve been and where we’re going, this 5-year mark brings the need for us to raise tuition prices. Just like we encourage our alumni to price their specialty barefoot massage sessions to fit their business needs and market, we want to lead by example and do the same.

An 11% increase in our class prices will help us to:
- continue bringing the best live-class environments to the adult learners in our classes
- allow the company to push forward with new opportunities for growth
- support our amazing team of instructors!
All the while still keeping tuition costs at a comparable rate for the massage industry.
Our new prices go into effect on our birthday, March 17th, 2022:
…but if you sign up for a 2022 class by March 16, 2022, you’ll be locked into the original class prices, good towards classes completed by 12/31/2022!
Fundamentals is now $750
Fijian will be $500
Intermediate goes to $500
ROM is also $500
Advanced will be $500
Hot Ashi is now $250
Any travel class held offsite from our training campuses will be +$100
As a young 5-year-old company that survived and thrived through so much in such a condensed period of time, we are so happy to continue to spread the love of Barefoot Massage, and help to flex or extend the careers of so many Massage Therapists out there! (It feels as good as a nice toe-spread foot stretch!)
Thank y’all!
On March 17th, 2022, the Center for Barefoot Massage turns 5 years old! Happy Birthday to us! The size of the footprint that our Myofascial Ashiatsu and Fijian Barefoot Massage classes have left on the massage industry since we stepped on the scene back in 2017 is growing – and so are the life-changing foot-shaped impressions that our alumni are…