We structured our FasciAshi classes to incorporate a Mindfulness practice – so I’d like to challenge you to bring an element of mindfulness and attention to your massage practice this week.
Do you have a “Signature” stroke? That one stroke that, for some reason, you feel that you absolutely MUST find a way to sneak into every single session because you love it so much? I think we all have one. This week’s #AshiatsuChallenge is to help you find WHY you are doing what you are doing.
Here’s our Week #3 Massage challenge: Mindfulness!
Watch the video and work on this for the next week
Hint: if you’ve attended a FasciAshi course, review your notes from class, too!
Those notes that you wrote to yourself while you were learning could take you back to that beginners mindset. Try to see in the stroke what you saw THEN, and notice what you see in it now. You can always learn something new and see it from a different point of view.
Asking your clients what they think is happening during this massage stroke, almost with a play-by-play commentary on their part, could be really insightful. Don’t be shy, get them involved. Bring them in on this mindfulness practice – they don’t get to just ‘check out’ during their session! Their acknowledgment of the sensations may help hone in on their own interoception.
We structured our FasciAshi classes to incorporate a Mindfulness practice – so I’d like to challenge you to bring an element of mindfulness and attention to your massage practice this week. Do you have a “Signature” stroke? That one stroke that, for some reason, you feel that you absolutely MUST find a way to sneak into every single session because you…