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Tag: ashiatsu technique

Barefoot Massage Open Challenge 2024: coming in March!

Get ready for this years Barefoot Massage Open Challenge! This year’s topic for the “Open” is on common physical imbalances of Barefoot Massage Therapists that could result in injury. Our instructors have been talking behind the scenes A LOT about all the things that make up “body mechanics“… things like your alignment while working, as well as what movement possibilities and what common restrictions Barefoot Massage Therapists are working around. Together, we’re compiling tips and tricks, videos, exercises and food for thought content for everyone that will help your body be ready and pain free to give a long career full of barefoot massage sessions!

Make sure to subscribe to our new SubStack, which works like a blog and newsletter in one! As we post new content, it’ll show up in your inbox, too! That’s where the challenge will be posted.

We haven’t been able to consistently post an actual ANNUAL challenge, because, well, life. It all started in 2018 and coincided with the CrossFit Open – just something for Barefoot Massage Therapists to push themselves through. We’ve had 3 so far, and this will be our 4th! The goal all along with these challenges has been for you to get out of your box and try something NEW. Our main focus when teaching FasciAshi is for you to make the techniques effective because you are educated on the theory and feel the ease of its application flow through your body. Your inner wisdom shines through when you are able to contemplate WHY or HOW your massage strokes work. When that is put into action in the most physically efficient and effective way possible for your body, you can see progress in yourself, your clients, and you’ll have a seriously better chance of staying in this profession longer.

We’ve got fresh content coming weekly starting March 8th, 2024 – but in the meantime, did you know that we’ve also got an archive of challenges from previous years?! You can dive into them for the 1st time, or the 10th!

Here’s a list of past years’ Barefoot Massage Open Challenges:

(Or just go watch the YouTube Playlist if reading is TMI RN!)

2021 “reSOLEutions”

This was a 3-month long, content creating challenge that pushed you to create NEW content on specific topics that educated YOUR community: Jump in on that challenge here – it was only 1 blog post to pull you through the entire project >>>

2019 “Mobility & Massage”

This was an ambitious 2x/week 5-week challenge that had you moving and massaging in ways to create more physical endurance and mindfulness in your sessions. Jump in on any of the weeks here>>>

2018 “Ashi-Challenge”

This was our first challenge that pushed you out of the routine and encouraged you to work more creatively than robotically. Try these challenges out and see how it changes your approach.

Stay tuned to our new SubStack for what we are preparing for you in March!

Using a small pillow for Sidelying barefoot massage bolstering

The benefits of side-lying barefoot massage are plentiful. Once you get past the “my client only wants to lie face down to receive the massage” mentality, you’ll find that you can access a number of muscles more easily when they lie on their side.

Why side-lying barefoot massage?

Providing side-lying barefoot massage allows you as a therapist to have better access and angles to work on shoulders, hips, quadratus lumborum, IT band, adductors, and abductors, to name but a few.

(You can learn side-body barefoot massage in our Intermediate class. We also teach side-lying barefoot work in our Fijian barefoot mat class.)

Sometimes you’ll find that your client (typically women, who are more curvy than men) may have trouble lying on their side as their 11th or 12th rib feels like it’s close to or hitting their iliac crest.

This makes it tricky for even the most skilled barefoot therapist to find the QL, as there’s often not enough space for even the heel. Resorting to the lateral edge of the foot may be a solution, but there’s something super simple you can try instead.

Bolstering with a small pillow

It’s easy fix- small toddler or travel pillow placed under their waist in between their body and the table.

Watch the video to see how Mary-Claire uses the pillow and how it flattens out the client’s torso. This makes barefoot side-lying massage much easier (and more comfortable for both the LMT and the client).

The client simply rolls over when you’re ready to work the 2nd side-the pillow should stay pretty well in place.

If you’re going to use the pillow under their stomach for prone work, they simply roll onto their stomach and adjust as needed. (See this video on how to do that.)

Are they rolling on their back next? Just have them lift up a little, grab the pillow and hand it to you or toss it onto the floor-whatever’s easiest.

Let us know what other bolstering techniques are in your grab bag (or you’d like to see!) in the comments.

Where you can find more info…

Visit our main website to find out more about all our classes at the Center for Barefoot Massage.

Or visit us on Facebook and Instagram!

BAREFOOT MASSAGE OPEN 2.4: #Massage Week 4

Throughout the course of this years and last years Barefoot Massage Open, we’ve pulled out some pretty heavy challenges. I hope that todays challenge helps to answer a very common frustration that many of my mid-level students have: how do I fit it all in?!?!?!

I think that these particular past topics will help you optimize this weeks challenge – so go review these before scrolling down too much further:

1.3: Game Face (Spend an hour with the client supine!)

1.4: Not yo’ momma’s Ashi: (Spend an hour with the client in Sidelying!)

1.5: Weight then Wait (Stop moving!)

+ Take what you learned from this years 2.2 Challenge (Xray Vision) which helped you study the structures that lay underneath the tissue you are aiming at AND revisit the last challenge I posted, 2.3 Mindfulness – where you took a long hard look at what strokes you do most often and why.


Got all that at fresh in your thoughts again? OK, now lets scroll down!  >>>>

BAREFOOT MASSAGE OPEN 2.3: #Massage Week 3

We structured our FasciAshi classes to incorporate a Mindfulness practice – so I’d like to challenge you to bring an element of mindfulness and attention to your massage practice this week.

Do you have a “Signature” stroke? That one stroke that, for some reason, you feel that you absolutely MUST find a way to sneak into every single session because you love it so much? I think we all have one. This week’s #AshiatsuChallenge is to help you find WHY you are doing what you are doing.

BAREFOOT MASSAGE OPEN 2.2: #Massage Week 2

Here we are: 2 weeks into the second annual Barefoot Massage Open, a weekly massage challenge for ashiatsu therapists – this Friday we’ll step into WEEK 3! But lets not get ahead of ourselves…. lets focus on the now! Today is Tuesday, which means it’s #2sdayTOESday & also massage day in our #AshiatsuChallenge

(It’s also Mardi GrASHIATSU today!!)

Stretch Therapy meets Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage

Our FasciAshi Range of Motion (ROM) class is where stretch therapy meets ashiatsu massage. There is a growing presence of ‘stretch providers’ in the massage therapy, yoga and personal trainer industries, possibly due to the evolving understanding of the properties of fascia. The public is noticing more and more that a movement practice of some kind is essential to a healthy body – and some are turning to their massage therapists for help.

The human population is becoming more and more sedentary.

The leading cause of disability is musculoskeletal pain, and over 80% of acute and chronic injuries are caused by the body not moving properly. (I should know, I just spent a day on the couch writing this blog post!!) One goal of stretch therapy and movement re-education is to make the client more aware of their habits of movement and more comfortable in his or her body with less compensation.

We all need varying movement to maintain healthy tissue hydration, regeneration, and repair. Motion is lotion, no matter what lifestyle you live. The smooth moves we teach in the FasciAshi ROM class could be just the thing that your clients are ACHING to try!

Barefoot Massage Open: Ashi-Challenge 1.5

It’s finally WEEK 5 of the Barefoot Massage Open ashi-challenge!  You’ve started a massage at the clients feet. You’ve used your non-dominant foot for 20 minutes straight. You’ve began a massage with them face up. You’ve done an ENTIRE MASSAGE APPOINTMENT in the side-lying position.  What now? What game changing difference can you POSSIBLY add to your barefoot massages?

Patience, Padawan. Read on to find out.

I think you’ve shown yourself to be tough enough to challenge the way you massage over the last 4 weeks. I’m sure asking yourself “but why?” in every move you make is becoming more second nature.  Just you wait…. there’s SO.MUCH.MORE.

The goal all along has been for you to get out of your little shell and try something NEW. Our main focus with FasciAshi is for you to make this ashiatsu intuitive, but also educated. Your inner wisdom shines through when you are able to contemplate WHY or HOW your massage strokes work, and then put that $#!+ into action!

Barefoot Massage Open: Ashi-Challenge 1.4

Massage Challenge, WEEK 4. Have you been keeping up with our first annual Barefoot Massage Open, a weekly massage challenge for ashiatsu therapists?! You got this, we’re over half way through. This week WILL make or break you, though. Are you still tough enough to continue to challenge the way you massage!? Are you questioning WHY you do what you do during each massage?  Do or do not, there is no try: and this time there is no crying back to your mom, either – cuz the Week #4 challenge ain’t your momma’s ashiatsu!!!

Last week you started your massages with the client face up. How was it?! Are you feeling more confident in your work?

Just wait till you do a week of what we are about to put you up to. You will be hard-core after this. If you aren’t yet trained in ashiatsu strokes that pertain to this weeks challenge – then use your hands. (And go take the Intermediate FasciAshi class already! You are missing out!)


1.1- Feb. 22-26 Start the massage at the clients feet #FeetFirst #AshiChallenge1point1

1.2- March 1-5 Use your Non-Dominant Foot for 20 consecutive minutes #GoofyFoot #AshiChallenge1point2

1.3- March 8-12 Start with your client FACE UP! #GameFace #AshiChallenge1point3

1.4- March 15-19 Scroll down to see this weeks challenge! #NotYourMommasAshi #AshiChallenge1point4

1.5- March 22-26

Barefoot Massage Open: Ashi-Challenge 1.3

We are already 2 weeks into the first annual Barefoot Massage Open, a weekly massage challenge for ashiatsu therapists – and we’re about to step into WEEK 3! Are you feeling tough enough continue to challenge the way you massage!? Are you questioning WHY you do what you do during each massage? Put your game face on, cuz your massage game is about to get REAL up in week 3!

Last week we pushed you to use your non-dominant foot continuously for 20 minutes. How did it go?! Are you feeling a little more ambidextrous?

This week we do what your massage instructors have been telling you to do ALL. ALONG. The thing you’ve been afraid to do ALL. THIS. TIME.

Be like Nike: Just Do it.

If you aren’t yet trained in ashiatsu strokes that pertain to this weeks challenge – then use your hands.


1.1- Feb. 22-26 Start the massage at the clients feet #FeetFirst #AshiChallenge1point1

1.2- March 1-5 Use your Non-Dominant Foot for 20 consecutive minutes #GoofyFoot #AshiChallenge1point2

1.3- March 8-12 Scroll down to see this weeks challenge! #GameFace #AshiChallenge1point3

1.4- March 15-19

1.5- March 22-26


Barefoot Massage Open: Ashi-Challenge 1.2

Are you tough enough to challenge the way you massage? Can you question the way you think about WHY you do what you do during each massage? Step up to our 5 week massage challenge that will change your massage game.

Last week we had you start at the clients feet and see how that changes your perspective. How did it go?!

This week gives a shout out to the surfers who lead with the “wrong” foot. Once upon a time, a Disney artist drew Goofy surfing with a different than usual foot forward, and it’s been coined as a common phrase in any board sport like surfing, snowboarding or skateboarding.

The goal is for you to try something new within your massages, contemplate WHY or HOW it works, and then market that aspect to your online community. You are marketing to potential customers, not the massage crowd, so the hidden bonus for you is that over the remaining 4 weeks you can generate new content aimed at your target market with a renewed appreciation for how you do what you do, based on the direct feedback of your existing clients.


1.1- Feb. 22-26 Start the massage at the clients feet #FeetFirst #AshiChallenge1point1

1.2- March 1-5 Scroll down to see this weeks challenge! #GoofyFoot #AshiChallenge1point2

1.3- March 8-12

1.4- March 15-19

1.5- March 22-26


Your mission for WEEK 2: should you choose to accept it…

 Spend 20 minutes straight per session massaging ONLY with your non-dominant footr non-dominant foot

The Barefoot Massage Open: a 5 week long challenge for massage therapists

Take note of the following questions while providing your massages this week:

How does this change your focus?

Can you do a WHOLE BODY massage this way!?

Did you feel creative? Frustrated? Have any “WOW” moments?

What differences did you notice within the session – especially when you tried this on regularly scheduled clients?

What did your client(s) notice with this new intention?

Can you convey these realizations within your marketing?

Show your work and tag @CenterForBarefootMassage on Instagram using the hashtags #barefootmassage #AshiChallenge1point2 #AshiChallenge #GoofyFoot

We’ll repost and FEETURE the AshiChallenge post with the most likes/hearts each week.