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Barefoot Massage training during COVID19

The Center for Barefoot Massage understands your concerns about attending a class during a pandemic.

  • We will be following the FSMTB’s “Massage and Bodywork Guidelines for Practice” modeling our classrooms after the precautions set forth on pages 28-33.
  • We have implemented Air Quality monitoring in each classroom to help our instructors maintain sufficient fresh airflow and have an effective number of HEPA Air Purifiers and Humidifiers to clean/exchange the air proportionate to the space and occupancy.
  • As of 3/17/2022, Face Masks are required in all of our classes and locations IF the county the class is held within is considered “Red” or “High” according to CDC Community Levels – otherwise, masks are optional at select locations.  Surgical or K95 masks are recommended, cloth masks with at least 2 layers and a good seal are acceptable.
  • Check your Instructors Page, or the Location Page to see what the current CDC Community Level is for their county so that you know if you are required to wear a mask indoors or not. Instructors & training locations may change their masking requirements at any time – if this occurs, you will be notified prior to class by the instructor.
  • Please review our “6 Feet Together” blog post that goes over the 6 steps we are taking to support our students, alumni, and instructors during the pandemic.
  • You may review our Cancellation Policy here.


To continue to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, we are taking local and national precautions/warnings/restrictions and guidelines set forth for the Massage Industry (see links under the Blue paragraph below) into serious consideration for each class we teach.


We are experts on Barefoot Massage.

We are not experts on viruses:

but we are doing our best to stay informed with facts!

We are not here to advise what is right for your massage practice in regards to “what to do about Covid-19” – we are “solely” here to help equip you with the skills and techniques that enable you to provide barefoot massage therapy. There are professionals far more qualified than us to guide you through your back-to-practice process and advise you on business procedures, career plans, or personal choices during this pandemic. We are following the science, trying to lead by example, and are staying within our scope of practice as massage therapy educators.

In alignment with the CDC and FSMTB’s guidelines, our instructors will be implementing detailed screening, cleaning, and disinfecting protocols that we will teach you during our classes, and practice daily to establish a repeatable routine.

Listed below is everything we’ve been looking at, so you can dive in with both feet yourself! If you have questions on how to reopen, what to do, what to buy, etc, we can only recommend that you utilize the resources linked below, as we empower you to “think on your feet”  and do some critical thinking, problem-solving, (plus some deep breathing!) to choose what is right for your situation, business plan and budget.

So that we can move forward and focus on our excitement and dedication to teach you barefoot massage in class, we are deferring to the experts on pandemic policies who can better guide you through your business and career decisions:

Our instructors have prepared their businesses and classroom environments with these precautions in mind. Safety for our team, our students, and their clients is our priority.

Thank you for your patience, grace, understanding and respect as we all bravely step forward into the emerging new future of the massage industry. 

The Center for Barefoot Massage understands your concerns about attending a class during a pandemic. We will be following the FSMTB’s “Massage and Bodywork Guidelines for Practice” modeling our classrooms after the precautions set forth on pages 28-33. We have implemented Air Quality monitoring in each classroom to help our instructors maintain sufficient fresh airflow and have an effective number of…