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Tag: policies

Barefoot Massage training during COVID19

The Center for Barefoot Massage understands your concerns about attending a class during a pandemic.

  • We will be following the FSMTB’s “Massage and Bodywork Guidelines for Practice” modeling our classrooms after the precautions set forth on pages 28-33.
  • We have implemented Air Quality monitoring in each classroom to help our instructors maintain sufficient fresh airflow and have an effective number of HEPA Air Purifiers and Humidifiers to clean/exchange the air proportionate to the space and occupancy.
  • As of 3/17/2022, Face Masks are required in all of our classes and locations IF the county the class is held within is considered “Red” or “High” according to CDC Community Levels – otherwise, masks are optional at select locations.  Surgical or K95 masks are recommended, cloth masks with at least 2 layers and a good seal are acceptable.
  • Check your Instructors Page, or the Location Page to see what the current CDC Community Level is for their county so that you know if you are required to wear a mask indoors or not. Instructors & training locations may change their masking requirements at any time – if this occurs, you will be notified prior to class by the instructor.
  • Please review our “6 Feet Together” blog post that goes over the 6 steps we are taking to support our students, alumni, and instructors during the pandemic.
  • You may review our Cancellation Policy here.


To continue to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, we are taking local and national precautions/warnings/restrictions and guidelines set forth for the Massage Industry (see links under the Blue paragraph below) into serious consideration for each class we teach.


We are experts on Barefoot Massage.

We are not experts on viruses:

but we are doing our best to stay informed with facts!

We are not here to advise what is right for your massage practice in regards to “what to do about Covid-19” – we are “solely” here to help equip you with the skills and techniques that enable you to provide barefoot massage therapy. There are professionals far more qualified than us to guide you through your back-to-practice process and advise you on business procedures, career plans, or personal choices during this pandemic. We are following the science, trying to lead by example, and are staying within our scope of practice as massage therapy educators.

In alignment with the CDC and FSMTB’s guidelines, our instructors will be implementing detailed screening, cleaning, and disinfecting protocols that we will teach you during our classes, and practice daily to establish a repeatable routine.

Listed below is everything we’ve been looking at, so you can dive in with both feet yourself! If you have questions on how to reopen, what to do, what to buy, etc, we can only recommend that you utilize the resources linked below, as we empower you to “think on your feet”  and do some critical thinking, problem-solving, (plus some deep breathing!) to choose what is right for your situation, business plan and budget.

So that we can move forward and focus on our excitement and dedication to teach you barefoot massage in class, we are deferring to the experts on pandemic policies who can better guide you through your business and career decisions:

Our instructors have prepared their businesses and classroom environments with these precautions in mind. Safety for our team, our students, and their clients is our priority.

Thank you for your patience, grace, understanding and respect as we all bravely step forward into the emerging new future of the massage industry. 

Is there a payment plan for barefoot massage training?


In a way – yes!



The remaining balance is due before class starts – so the sooner you sign up, the longer you have to save and pay off your tuition.


Barefoot massage training payment plans

In order to be provided with the option to make payments, our current registration system, MindBodyOnline, has some mobile system limitations that we cannot control:

Make sure that you use a laptop or desktop computer to register for classes, and do not use the Mindody App if the pop-up screen asks you to, because the MindBodyOnline system and their app will not allow mobile devices to select certain options (such as payment plans or waitlists.) You must register through the browser on a desktop-site view of the page to be offered these options.

We can also accept payments in smaller increments after your initial 50% deposit/retainer has been paid – as long as the full balance is paid for by the 1st day of class. Just log into your student profile on our MindBody system, and make a payment to your account. We accept all major credit cards.

Gift Cards can be issued for tuition! If a friend or family (or amazing client) wants to gift you the gift of barefoot massage training, they can click here and purchase any dollar amount with their credit card, and send it to you in an emailable gift card eligible to be spent on tuition.

You can pay by check or cash in class- so save your tips and bring them with you.

If you know you need a few months to save up and pay the cost of class tuition, just look forward into the future on our calendar, and choose a training date far enough out for you to make realistic payments that fit your budget.


How much are classes?

  • Fundamentals:  $750 (3 days, 24 CE’s)
  • Fijian: $500  (2 days, 16 CE’s)
  • Intermediate: $500  (2 days, 16 CE’s)
  • ROM: $500  (2 days, 16 CE’s)
  • Advanced: $500  (2 days, 16 CE’s)
  • Hot Ashi: $250   (1 day. 8 CE’s)
  • If a class is a travel class, meaning that the instructor had to travel to offer the class away from their usual home base training center, then class will be +$100 more than the base prices listed able.

Is the Center for Barefoot Massage an Approved Continuing Education Provider?

ncbtmb continuing education provider

The short answer is: YES, of course!

Our CE Provider #1333 status with the NCBTMB and we have maintained that approval since March 2017.


The long answer is: it may depend on your state.

If your state has NCBTMB reciprocity, meaning that they acknowledge and accept NCBTMB approved courses for your Continuing Education hour requirements, then our classes are automatically valid for you.

Our provider numbers for select states are available for your review below.

CE Broker tracking number: # 50-20211

New York NCBTMB CE Provider Number: 1333 (approved as a part of our NCBTMB affiliation) Fundamentals, ROM, Intermediate, Advanced, Hot Ashi, HandsFree

Florida CE Broker Tracking Number: 50-20211 All Classes Approved

Georgia CE Broker Tracking Number: 50-20211 All Classes Approved

Mississippi Provider Number: 2642  – Approved for Fundamentals (Program #518) and Fijian (Program #541)

Louisiana Provider Number: 236  Approved for Fundamentals (#LCEU0002384) and Fijian (#LCEU0002385)

If your state is not listed:

They may have automatic NCBTMB Reciprocity! We cannot help you determine if the CE’s are valid in your state: you will need to check directly with your state to ensure our NCBTMB approved course will be accepted.

If your state does not have NCBTMB Continuing Education Reciprocity, then we will only consider expanding into their network once we notice a high demand for the most popular class(es). Until then, we hope that your love for barefoot massage and your plans to learn this work are not detoured merely because your state doesn’t recognize the credits. You may be able to easily fulfill your state renewal requirements through inexpensive local and online classes in other topics, and utilize our myofascial ashiatsu “FasciAshi” classes for your own professional development and career focus that takes you above and beyond your states standard! The lack of our ease of access in your region may be discouraging other LMT’s, which just leaves more space for you to stand apart from the rest.

Some state massage boards have created their own guidelines or limits for content they are willing to accept, along with content they require to be completed. A few of these state boards overrule the industry-standard NCBTMB CE Provider approvals and are instead requiring Continuing Education providers like The Center for Barefoot Massage to apply for and register each individual instructor on their team for each individual class they each teach.

It’s unfortunate that not all states acknowledge the NCBTMB. State-by-state approval of CE courses in massage therapy can be time-consuming, costly, and inefficient – so the Center for Barefoot Massage may not apply for CE Approval in states with additional requirements until a higher demand is seen in that region.

If we were to maintain every state license/approval for each class and every instructor, above and beyond that of the NCBTMB, it could cause tuition rates to increase due to almost constant licensure renewals.

With 13 instructors on our team and a roster of over 14 versions of our classes on file with the NCBTMB – on top of the inconsistent requirements for what constitutes “a class” or an instructor between each state board – we (along with many other team-based nationally recognized CE Providers,) have chosen not to sign on with every individual state, and not for every single class, and to only apply where we physically teach, or where a good percentage of our learners come from.

Things are evolving in the continuing education accreditation sector in the field of massage, and the current situation may not always be the case – things can change, and we are hoping they will! We have our big toes on the pulse of the industry and are watching closely to where the NCBTMB, FSMTB CE Broker, AFMTE and others are taking us.

Notice: As the Center for Barefoot Massage is working to help keep Barefoot Massage techniques ethically and professionally represented within the scope of practice of Massage Therapy, we will ONLY train reports to ce broker for Florida AshiatsuLicensed Massage Therapists. We will not seek out accreditation with other non-Massage Continuing Education Provider accrediting entities of other professions such as for Physical Therapists, Chiropractors, Yoga Therapists, Acupuncturists, etc.

We are not currently pursuing International Accreditation – but will still require proof of a regionally equivalent Massage Therapy License for any student who wishes to attend our courses. Our focus right now is presenting our courses to licensed massage therapists in the states before expanding internationally. If we can work together in the future to research your countries requirements for the massage profession, and how our continuing education classes could be set up for accreditation in that region, please contact us.

If your state/province is not listed above, contact your licensing or registration board directly to see if they will accept our course for CE credits toward licensure/registration renewal. If you have concerns or questions about your state CE requirements, please raise them with your board.

Do you have questions about what your states Continuing Education renewal requirements are? Google your state’s Massage Board!

After I take the class, can I train my staff?

We get asked this question a lot – “Can I train my staff when I get back to work?” Or, “My spa director wants me to attend class so that I can train the employees everything I learned!”

Long story short – you cannot teach the work you learn in our classes UNLESS you are accepted into our instructor training program.

By attending our training workshops you will be a part of our professional family, and you’ll represent our work with every step you take.

As such, we have quality assurance and maintenance considerations to prevent any misrepresentation of the work itself, and to halt any unauthorized instructional programs. It is essential that the purity and safety features of our myofascial barefoot massage work, as well as the high-quality teaching standards established for the Center for Barefoot Massages curriculum, be upheld and honored for the continued respect of this lineage, as well as for the growth and support of our loyal FasciAshi practitioners.

This training we provide does not qualify or certify you to teach our protocols, sequences, techniques or methods in any environment, in any capacity. Attending our workshops or acquiring our materials does not qualify you, or give permission to teach any aspect of the technique, or present the FasciAshi format.

Implying that you are an instructor, trainer, a Certified practitioner, or any similar designation in any format is unethical, and goes against the Training and Use Agreement that every one of our adult learner students sign. 

The FasciAshi courses you attend are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the “knowing” the work. While in class, we encourage you to focus on learning the material for yourself, and retain what you can – without any agenda to teach this to your staff or other massage friends. Studies do show that there is never 100% retention level of material presented in adult learning – as humans, we learn what we can, and we take away what is most relevant to us at that time. Attending the course once as a student is not sufficient experience or training to represent any professional technique well. Don’t be come this student.

We want the best training for you, and for the sake of the future of the growing barefoot massage industry, we want the best possible representations being echoed across classrooms. To help our profession grow, as well as our little niche within it, we work very hard to deeply train our experienced staff in many nuances and elements of myofascial barefoot massage and curating a successful learning environment. We do not feel that this work should be passed down by word of mouth, so to speak. Let your staff and friends experience the same depth of information and resources, and encourage them to attend a live training with us. The benefits they will reap will equal yours, and you can continue to grow on your own path at first, and then together as a team.

Unless you have successfully passed our FasciAshi instructor training program that leads to status as a FasciAshi Instructor, and have written consent from the creative forces behind The Center for Barefoot Massage, LLC, you cannot teach what you learn in our classes. If you are interested in teaching FasciAshi, and want to help us spread our toes and expand our footprint on the massage industry, if you resonate with our philosophy, we welcome you to email us your resume and letter of interest to info@barefootmassagecenter.com

The Center for Barefoot Massage and FasciAshi as brands are comprised of a proprietary set of trademarks, logos, and designs. These, along with its copyright materials such as handouts, manuals, posters, media, online resources and other intellectual property is and shall remain in full ownership of The Center for Barefoot Massage, LLC. Any reports that show proof of our intellectual property being reproduced and taught without authorization will be met with legal consequences.

Thank you for understanding and respecting our commitment to barefoot massage excellence.

Do I need to be a Licensed Massage Therapist to learn FasciAshi?

Do you need to be a Licensed Massage Therapist to learn FasciAshi?

Yes. Attendees in our courses MUST be Licensed Massage Therapists who are legally eligible to provide paid, professional therapeutic massage therapy services to the public in accordance with the laws in their state. Since we are massage therapy educators, we are here to “solely” teach massage therapists.

The Center for Barefoot Massage is working to help support and grow the massage industry, and is only training Licensed Massage Therapists within the field of massage therapy, to those who have the license to touch.

Read the Cancellation Policy

Licensed Massage Therapist can be BAREFOOT Massage Therapists!
MASSAGE STUDENTS who are still attending their entry level, pre-licensing training are not eligible. Those who have attended and completed massage school are also not eligible until you are licensed by the state you are practicing in. This is a new rule as of 2023.

BODYWORKERS who are not licensed but are allowed to practice Rolfing, Shiatsu, Thai, etc, ARE NOT ELIGIBLE to attend our courses without first obtaining a massage therapy license.

If the practitioner resides and practices in a state that is not currently regulated, then prior to registration or within 15 days of the start of class, we will need you to provide a copy of your massage school transcript, showing completion of a minimum of a single 500 hours in-class massage therapy training program. We may also require proof of professional liability insurance.