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How do I find a FasciAshi trained Barefoot Massage Therapist Near Me?

Want to get under our Alumni’s feet? Did you do a google search for “ashiatsu massage near me” but wish the results had myofascial ashiatsu barefoot massage therapists singled out? Let us help you find where they are at!

We know the feeling – once you try Myfoascial Ashiatsu, (AKA FasciAshi) you won’t go back to normal massage – and our Sole Provider directory is how you’ll find those we’ve trained across the nation.

Now, not every barefoot massage therapist will choose to list in our virtual yellow pages – but those who do want to be found will be there.

Here’s how you can get centered under our Sole Providers feet:

3 ways to find the Sole Provider Directory:

  1. Main Menu:
    Desktop/Laptop: Hover on the “About Us” section of the menu, then pull down to the “Find a Barefoot Massage Therapist” option
    This is what it looks like on a Desktop/Laptop Computer
    Mobile Devices: Touch the Hamburger menu (the 3 horizontal lines!) and then touch the arrow next to the “About Us” section…. then touch the “Find a Barefoot Massage Therapist” option!
    This is the “Hamburger Menu” on mobile devices

    Once you open the Hamburger Menu, this is what it’ll look like on a Mobilie Device!
  2. Scroll down! Look towards the bottom of our page for this image, and click on that! (For all devices!)

    On any device, near the bottom of our page, you’ll see this image: CLICK IT!
  3. OR, just follow this link: https://centerforbarefootmassage.com/business-directory/  to find an ashiatsu barefoot massage near you!

I’ve also got a great massage blog post about this topic, here and also here!

Want to get under our Alumni’s feet? Did you do a google search for “ashiatsu massage near me” but wish the results had myofascial ashiatsu barefoot massage therapists singled out? Let us help you find where they are at! We know the feeling – once you try Myfoascial Ashiatsu, (AKA FasciAshi) you won’t go back to normal massage – and…