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Tag: barefoot massage

National Massage Therapy Awareness Week: 2023

Resources for you to use to educate your immediate circles on the benefits of Massage AND ways to help YOU be more aware within your Barefoot Massage sessions.

First off, welcome to this years National Massage Therapy Awareness Week! This long holiday is our professions chance to spend an ENTIRE DEDICATED WEEK to promote the health benefits of massage therapy and their practices.

If you need some facts to share with your local community, follow these links for great resources to pull from:

OK, now lets get to the juicy part:

Our tips to tune into your own awareness while giving a Barefoot Massage session.

Pulling from the resources listed above, we noticed that according to the national consumer survey from the AMTA, & & . It’s important to recognize here that a well-informed Barefoot Massage COULD be perfect for many elements of injury treatment & pain management – depending on the person & situation …both client & therapist.⁣

This doesn’t just automatically happen when you put a foot on someone. & strategically . FasciAshi is Myofascial, Neuromuscular & Stretch Therapy techniques meant to be individually sequenced as needed for each person underfoot. No two appointments are the same. The more you learn, the more barefoot technique vocabulary & reasoning skills you’ll have to customize for these clients: it just needs to be put into practice to elevate the outcomes.

SO how can you pull details out of your massage education resources from the Center for Barefoot Massage and work with more attention on your intention?

If you’ve attended any of our Center for Barefoot Massage classes already, review your manuals & check out some of the “Why’s” & the anatomical focus points to help pick strokes that work for each client individually this week. Don’t do every stroke you’ve ever learned: just do the ones they “knead!” Next, ⁣check into the mindfulness lists from our Intermediate, ROM and Advanced class manuals to hone in on the intent of your stroke as needed for the person.

Here’s an example for you to try this week in practice:

How can you make your movements/strokes more effortless on your body, but still have the same intent and focus of intensity and effectiveness for your client? Now, this isn’t an excuse to massage lazily: we are asking you to reevaluate all the physical effort you are putting into each stroke, and check yourself to see if it’s needed.

  • Can you relax your grip on the bar?
  • Can your foot on the table be aimed in better alignment with it’s same side knee and hip in a way to better distribute pressure through the working foot?
  • Are you moving with breath – and how are your movements impacting the breath of you and your client?
  • Can you just give it weight, and wait?

⁣There you go!

Take that much of a new perspective to try this week in your massage appointments: our experience has shown that it definitely helps!

(We hope to see you in class soon to teach you more!)

Recap from the Phoenix 2023 AMTA National Massage Convention

Myself and four of our instructors just got back home after sharing Fijian Barefoot Massage in Phoenix at the AMTA national massage convention! We set up a booth in the exhibit hall, provided about 45 Barefoot Matwork sample sessions, and talked to many of the 1,500+ Massage Therapists in the conventions attendance that visted us!

Meet the feet: We had such a powerhouse of instructors present at this event – I’m not even sure if the visitors to our booth knew the extent of our team’s history and experience in the profession. Myself (Jeni Spring) from Central Texas, Sara from Missouri, Hillary from North Texas, Ashley from Southern California, and Dawn from upstate New York. (Click each name to be taken to their instructor profile pages!)

Center for Barefoot Massage instructors at the AMTA National Massage Convention

Each one of these Barefoot Massage Barbies have been using their feet as massage tools for ~at least~ 10 years – double that in some cases! Dawn Dotson is our FasciAshi Range Of Motion instructor who designed the portable bar system that you can strap into and use with a portable, electric, hydraulic table or a mat. Sara Newberry is an author of the 1st ever Hot-Ashi Barefoot Massage class and has been on many podcasts talking about our Barefoot work. Hillary Arrieta is a published author with her own massage book and is our lead Fijian/Matwork 1 class instructor trainer. Ashley Shears is a Fundamentals class instructor who is making waves with her approach to myofascial barefoot work on the table and on the mat. (Ashley also roadtripped to Phoenix with a knife that came in very handy in the booth all weekend because we forgot to pack scissors!) I was there, too, and I’ve also done cool things. 😉

It was great for this section of our instructor team to meet other leaders and forward thinkers in the industry, to find old friends, to share selfies with AMTA royalty and instructor buddies, to get our feet on the pulse of as many people as we could to share Barefoot Massage with, and to talk with the masses of LMTs in attendance to see what they have questions about. (There were so many people there!!!)

I want to tell y’all all about this experience, from beginning to end: read on and enjoy our journey to the desert!

Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage and cultural appropriation

When we talk about what we do, our instructor team at the Center for Barefoot Massage has been working very hard to deepen the use and understanding of the phrase “Barefoot Massage” rather than using the single A-word, ashiatsu. We see that word in play a lot, especially used alone on its own as a massage service across the nation or in casual conversation.

So today we’d like to offer a gentle nudge and reminder on considering how to refer to the massage work we all love to do!

In the mid-90’s when “Westernized ashiatsu” first came on the scene, it went through a long phase of trying to find its voice, name, identity, and place in the profession. In the massage industry the work became more easily recognized as just “ashiatsu” or “ashi,” but in the early days it went through phases of also being known as “ashiatsu oriental bar therapy“, “ashiatsu bar therapy” or “ashiatsu barefootbar therapy” and others. It really is so hard to define our work sometimes, and it’s been a struggle for so many of us to get it worded right.

Although the attempts at changing its name at the time had more to do with branding than anything, the issue surrounding the name overall is the A-word itself: it’s really not ours to use in the first place.

The traditional practice of Ashiatsu has its roots in traditional Asian forms of bodywork, particularly in Japan and China. Over time, it has been adapted and modified in various ways to suit the preferences and needs of Western practitioners and clients. The traditional practice is not on an elevated massage table, and there aren’t overhead bars or straps in play like we use today. It could cause confusion, therefore, to anyone specifically looking for the traditional work only to find the 2023 version. It’s all wonderful, beautiful bodywork, but let’s be careful to call it what it is.

While there may be concerns about cultural appropriation in certain cases, it’s essential to approach the topic with nuance and respect for different perspectives.

Here are a few points to consider:

1. Cultural exchange vs. appropriation: Cultural exchange occurs when two cultures engage in a respectful and mutually beneficial sharing of practices, ideas, and knowledge. Appropriation, on the other hand, involves taking elements of a culture without understanding or respecting their original context. Whether Westernized Ashiatsu falls under cultural exchange or appropriation can depend on how it’s practiced and presented.

2. Modification for local needs: When a practice like traditional Ashiatsu is introduced in a different cultural context, some modifications may occur to accommodate local preferences, regulations, and safety standards. These modifications can range from adjusting techniques, integrating different massage styles, or using specific equipment. However, it’s crucial to acknowledge and respect the origins of the practice and give credit to its traditional roots without calling it what it’s not.

3. Respect for cultural origins: Practitioners of Westernized Ashiatsu should strive to educate themselves about the cultural origins and traditions of the practice. They should honor and acknowledge the historical background and the cultures that developed and nurtured our modern-day approach of Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage. This includes recognizing and crediting the sources of knowledge and techniques, and including “barefoot massage” at the end of the name to show its different approach.

4. Collaboration and inclusivity: Encouraging collaboration between practitioners from different cultural backgrounds can foster a better understanding and appreciation of the original practice. Inclusivity involves creating spaces that embrace diversity and ensure that practitioners from different cultures have a voice and are respected within the traditional Ashiatsu community.

5. Ethical considerations: It’s important to consider the potential commercialization and commodification of cultural practices. Practitioners should be mindful of offering Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage in a way that respects the integrity and sacredness of the original practice. This can involve engaging in fair trade practices, supporting practitioners from the cultural origin, and avoiding misrepresentation or trivialization of the practice.

Ultimately, the issue of appropriation is complex and can vary from case to case. It’s essential to approach the adaptation and practice of traditional Ashiatsu and Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage with cultural sensitivity, respect, and an understanding of its historical and cultural significance.

The future of massage is afoot…

One of our pursuits is to help define Barefoot Massage as an umbrella term for any massage therapy technique that uses feet as tools, rather than hands. If “Barefoot Massage” is the overall approach, then “Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage” signifies one style under that umbrella term, and our specific lineage of “Myofascial Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage” just further specifies the style we teach. It really is so much easier to just say ~ashiatsu~, we completely understand and we occasionally find ourselves slipping back into the ease of that word, too. What we are doing with our feet is not a true representation of that traditional work anymore. So to best represent the truth in advertising and respect for our collective roots, you could generalize and call your westernized work “Barefoot Massage”… but if you’ve just gotta use the word Ashiatsu, be sure to put the extra qualifying descriptive words in when defining and referring to your massage services. 😉

We are currently working on transitioning away from using the phrase “Fijian Massage” for our courses continued on from Lolita Knights lineage. Although she did originally learn and develop the technique directly from her experiences while living in Fiji, continuing to call the work itself Fijian after all the evolutions it’s come through is not true to its traditional form, and we’d like to respect that. You’ll start seeing us refer to this class and body of work as Barefoot Matwork as we step forward.

What’s in a name? For a dive as deep as you can massage with your feet on this topic, we have blog posts discussing “Is Ashiatsu The Same As Barefoot Massage?” and another diving into the differences between “Myofascial Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage vrs Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage” Check those out!!! Also be sure to read Types of barefoot massage throughout the world, including Chavutti, Thai, Lomilomi, barefoot shiatsu, and more. (barefootmassagecenter.com) to get a quick overview on many different styles and approaches to barefoot massage (many are not referred to by the “A-word” BTW!)

(Which, sidenote, by the way, if you are an old-school practitioner trained prior to 2017 still using the full phrase "ashiatsu oriental bar therapy": please consider working to transition away from that! Check with the company/school that trained you in the work to see what your specific lineage is now referred to as, because they have been calling it something else for quite a few years! Consider adapting to that new name. The "O" word in AOBT is outdated, and its continued use is perceived as being politically incorrect, derogatory, and even insulting. Representation matters, and a recognized name change is a step to take that shows respect.)

I’m already ashiatsu trained – where do I start?

I’m already ashiatsu trained – where do I start?

We are SO glad that you found us, and that you are considering learning our myofascial ashiatsu barefoot massage style of work!

If you are ready to ask questions, be challenged, and grow your understanding of barefoot massage, then you are gonna love this game-changing take on westernized ashiatsu barefoot massage. This style will integrate beautifully and elevate the work you already do. You’ll get to challenge yourself by tapping into a beginners mindset and re-learn what you have learned, but from another point of view. You’ll learn WHY and HOW every stroke impacts the body, and you’ll be set free with your own confident knowledge to massage intuitively with your feet in the way your body feels comfortable with.

Existing Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage Therapists can jump into our Intermediate or Range of Motion (ROM) classes with proof of live training in an approved beginner ashi class from another company. Email us your CE transcript with proof of at least 16 live “feet-on” beginner ashiatsu hours from an NCBTMB provider – be aware that not all beginner classes are approved. The providing CE company must have been in existence and teaching that beginner class prior to 2017. We have a very short list of beginner classes that we can vouch for and allow you to skip over our entry-level class. (???????????? ???????? ???????????? ????????????’???????? ???????????????? ???????? ???????????????? ???????????????? ???????? ???????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????? ????????????????????, ???????????????? ???????????? ???????????????? & ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????? ???????????? ????????????????!)⁣ ⁣This opportunity will not be around forever: we are considering sunsetting this opportunity no later than 2026, after which point Fundamentals would be required for our Next-Level courses.

Here’s how you can get your feet Centered with us:

(Updated 1/28/2024)

If you are already ashiatsu trained – you can jump right into our Intermediate, ROM or Fijian classes!

We’ll just need to see proof of your attendance in a live NCBTMB approved beginner ashiatsu class  (A class that used overhead bars – not silks or underhand bars or other balancing items)  the class must have been at least 16 CE’s* and be on our short list of approved programs/instructors/lineages that we’ve reviewed or are familiar with.


don't get cold feet - learn hot ashi barefoot massage

*A video audition from you and a course/instructor review by us may also be required if your training lineage is untraceable, or if it has been over 5 years. The providing CE company you trained with must have been in existence and teaching that beginner class prior to 2017. All classes must be live, in-person training: no hybrid or online versions. 

Email us a copy of your CE Transcript/Hours to info@BarefootMassageCenter.com, or text a picture of it to 210-816-1241.

(If you’d like to attend the Fijian Barefoot Massage floor classes – there’s no prerequisites, so no previous CE’s required. Just be an LMT and you are set for Fijian!)

If you’d like access to the Hot Ashi class, and any Relax Track courses available in the future, you’ll need to attend our 3 day Fundamentals class. Want into the new Clinical Track classes? The prerequisite is attendance in our FasciAshi Intermediate AND FasciAshi Advanced classes.

To gain access to our Advanced class, you’ll need to first attend our Intermediate course – no exceptions.


To sit in on a Revitalize/refresher on any class, you’ll have to actually attend that same course first and pay the full tuition. Revitalizer classes are a perk reserved ‘solely’ for Center for Barefoot Massage alumni.


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Because FasciAshi is not the same as anything else on the barefoot massage continuing education market. These are not the same classes you’ve taken with other providers. Even if you’ve trained with any of our current Instructors prior to 2017 – these same instructors are bringing a whole new level of content to the classroom. (We like to say “This ain’t yo’ momma’s ashi!”)

By verifying your previous training, and funneling you through the class progression at certain points along the way, it ensures that we can maintain a standard of education in our upper level alumni. We aim to support the massage industry with high quality, educated, intuitive barefoot providers working the field.

FasciAshi Barefoot Massage Classes and Specialty Tracks

We are creating ongoing training opportunities for LMTs who are serious about a long, successful Barefoot Massage career.

The Center for Barefoot Massage gives massage therapists the tools to become fanatical ashiatsu practitioners, curious anatomy nerds and confident barefoot massage specialists. We aim to teach evidence-based theories of massage that, through your intent and knowledge, can be applied to clinical, sports, and relaxation-based sessions.

FasciAshi is raising the standard of barefoot massage.

Come and continue your studies in massage therapy with our style of myofascial ashiatsu FasciAshi, Fijian, other barefoot modalities hosted at the Center! We are excited to offer a future for existing and new barefoot massage therapists.

Read more about how the Center for Barefoot Massage and FasciAshi are different:


How do I become a Barefoot Massage Specialist?

It’s one thing to want to learn how to massage with your feet – and it’s a whole other world when you realize that you want to do this all day, every day, for the rest of your life!

If becoming a Barefoot Massage Specialist is your “thang”, we want to help you!

The Center for Barefoot Massage offers an innovative series of pathways to help cater your massages exactly to what your clients “knead”

Find your thang, your niche, your specialty… we’ve got the steps laid out in different training pathways to help you achieve success.

In addition to training and our Endorsement process that shows your own approach to the work has been vetted by the founders of FasciAshi, we are also creating tracks of classes for you to “choose your own adventure” and specialize in Relaxation, Clinical or Sports Barefoot Massage!


Are you already trained in other forms of barefoot massage of ashiatsu? We can help you really dig your heels in! Read this page for what to do next.

Are you just MESMERIZED by the barefoot massage and want to do it, too? Do you have a specific niche that you want to focus on?
CLICK HERE to read how you can follow our classes down the rabbit hole that gets more and more specific as you go!


We are actively recruiting students who want to take this work seriously. Our passion for ashiatsu and our drive to build barefoot massages presence within the field of massage therapy is driving this movement. We’ve rallied all of our training and experience down into each class for you (so you don’t have to figure it out the hard way as we did!) We are consulting with industry leaders to create course content that is accurate, modern and ready to apply to your clients. We’ve tried and tested the techniques and have put them to use in practice with our instructors and their local teams. We share our successes and struggles in the FasciAshi Tribe Facebook Group, a supportive community of FasciAshi alumni. We continue to educate beyond the classroom with our #BarefootLikeABoss Pro Membership, which is dedicated to growing and scaling their skills both with their clients & in their business. There are so many ways that we try to help you create a successful barefoot massage career – and as we learn and grow even more, we pass that onto our students.

The future for barefoot massage is afoot!
Here are some more resources that we recommend as you search your SOLE to find its purpose!recommended-ashiatsu-training

Find a Barefoot Massage Therapist near me

Are you looking for one of our Myofascial Ashiatsu and Fijian Barefoot Massage trained students to give you the best deep massage of your life? Follow this link to find a trained professional near you.

(Or follow this link for help on how to use the directory!)

Want to be a “guinea pig” in one of our Student Clinics during a Center for Barefoot Massage class? Although our instructors don’t typically recruit straight from the public to fill these spots, every member of our teacher team is still a practicing Barefoot Massage therapist with a local business: you’ll want to schedule a series of sessions with them to get on their radar. We keep a list of our existing clients who would work well with our students for future classes. You can find our list of instructors and track down their local businesses here.

Center for Barefoot Massage alumni can list in our SOLE Provider directory for free!

We have a great network of Barefoot Massage Therapists across the nation – and their clients travel! We all know that once you try Myofascial Ashiatsu, you won’t want to go back to normal massage, so lets help these fans of our work find their favorite bodywork in the town they are relocating to, or visiting! If YOU are a Barefoot Massage Therapist and want to get found, dig your heels in and read more below to get started!

Tuition policy 3/17/22

One thing that’s really important to us at the Center for Barefoot Massage is taking care of our instructors. They work really hard to keep current on massage techniques & constantly perfect their own barefoot moves.

In fact, all of our instructors specialize in barefoot massage. In our 1st price increase in 5 years, raising our rates allows us to pay our instructors more, supporting them in their endeavors to provide YOU with the best education they can!

If you’re curious about the rates, just look at the blog post below this one. Here’s a reminder of our policy for the remainder of 2022 and into the following years.

Due to a tuition increase that takes effect on March 17th, 2022, if you registered for your training prior to that date, that price is only valid for classes completed by December 31st, 2022.

If you happen to reschedule your registration to another set of dates in 2023, the new tuition price will be applied to your training, and the difference in balance will be due before that class begins.   

And thank you to the hundreds and hundreds of students we’ve taught all over the United States in the past 5 years.

We appreciate you allowing us to share our knowledge and love of barefoot massage & to help spread that in our local coummunities.

Thank you!

3 Reasons to Learn Barefoot Massage

1. Lengthen your massage career.

How long did it take you to discover that the average career span of a massage therapist is 3-5 years (or 5-7, depending on the source)?

They certainly didn’t tell me (Mary-Claire) about that in massage school.

I think I found out somewhere along the way. Maybe it was when I started having tendonitis in my right elbow and pain in my left pisiform.

After a while, I would drive home from work and grasp my steering wheel at a traffic stop, stretching my forearm flexors and pounding on my extensors.

Had I not learned barefoot massage in 2002, my career would have been over. I might have lasted until 2003, but I certainly wouldn’t be going for 22+ years.

If you do barefoot massage correctly (yes, you can do it wrong and injure yourself!), you’ll have unlimited years to work in your field

One of Mary-Claire’s classes. (pre-pandemic)

2. Clients love it

I have never had a client ask me to get off the table and switch to hands-on the 1st time I’ve given them barefoot massage.

But you have to have the right client on the table.

First, there are people who hate feet. It’s not your feet, but everyone’s. Don’t try to convince them to try barefoot massage. It’s a lost cause.

Next, you have the client who needs the work, but they’re reluctant, because it’s “weird”. BUT they’re desperate for results and are afraid that surgery will come next. So they’ll try it.

Sara Newberry is using our strap for excellent body mechanics, heat and joint movement.

Lastly, you have the people who think barefoot massage is going to be the most amazing thing ever. They walked on their parent’s back, they have their kids walk on their back, or maybe they’ve gotten another form of barefoot massage somewhere else.

I have found that clients who try ashiatsu barefoot massage NEVER go back to “regular” hands-on massage if they can help it.

(Of course, you need to practice and be good at your barefoot massage craft.)

Most of my clients have also reported that the results of barefoot massage last longer than traditional deep tissue.

PLUS ashiatsu barefoot feels wwwwaaaaayyyy better than pointy thumbs and pokey elbows!

3. You’ll differentiate yourself from other massage therapists

Once you try barefoot massage, you’ll never go back to “regular” massage. Shirt design by Jeni Spring.

✔️How many massage therapists are there in your city?
✔️How many do deep tissue?
✔️What percentage do barefoot massage?

I am one of the few in a large city (Cincinnati) who specializes in barefoot massage. I have trained others, but they have moved or didn’t get comfortable with it or closed their business (or whatever).

Regular clients drive up to 45 minutes to see me.

In fact, I drive 45 minutes to see MY barefoot massage therapist. Why? Because there’s no one else around, and it’s what I want.

What are 3 reasons massage therapists learn barefoot massage?

  1. Lengthen / save your career
  2. Clients love it
  3. You’ll differentiate yourself from other massage therapists

What’s stopping you from learning?

Or if you’ve already learned, do you specialize! Let us know.

Interested in learning more about barefoot massage?

Visit us at www.barefootmassagecenter.com

We have tons of Tip and Tricks on YouTube!

And check out our Facebook page

Don’t forget Instagram!

Mary-Claire Fredette has been licensed as a massage therapist in Ohio since the last century.


She learned barefoot massage in 2002 and hasn’t looked back, beginning teaching in 2004.

You can find her classes in her natural light studio in Cincinnati.

She co-founded the Center for Barefoot Massage with husband Paul and the barefoot massage idea-preneur Jeni Spring in 2017..

Are you working to your detriment?

Most of us went into the field of massage because we wanted to help people.

Maybe we already were giving out shoulder rubs on everyone we could get our hands-on. Perhaps we just knew that we weren’t meant to be a counselor (ahem, Mary-Claire here, speaking from experience).

But we had the heart to serve, to help others, to make them leave our offices happier than they were when they came in.

Into massage school we ran, eager to have the license to practice.

Did they tell you that the average career span of a massage therapist is 3-5 years (or 5-7 years, depending on the source)?

Or did you find out later?

Why do you think that is?

While there are a number of factors in play, one of the big reason is injury, pain, and burnout.

Simply stated, we work to our detriment.

What does that mean, exactly?

Most of us do/did our best to provide the massage experience that the legit client wanted.

More pressure? Sure!

Deeper in that spot! No problem.

Can you hang out here for a while? My pleasure.

In the meantime, our backs started to act up. Or maybe we discovered a little tendonitis or tenosynovitis.

We start cracking our knuckles a little more, pounding on our forearms while we sit at a traffic stop, gripping the steering wheel so we can have the added stretch of a bent wrist.

I have a client who was a massage therapist for many years, longer than I have been (and it’s 22+ years for me).

While she had learned barefoot massage years ago, she never got really comfortable with it, was clunky, and the clients didn’t love it.

So she continued to do what she’d been doing-providing her clients with awesome deep tissue massage via her hands.

Until she couldn’t.

She couldn’t push past the pain anymore. Actually, she had to see a doctor because she couldn’t grip things anymore and was starting to drop the items she held in her hands.

Permanent damage, friends.

Permanent damage was caused by overworking herself to make her clients happy.

This is preventable.

If you’re going to offer deep tissue massage as a career, please get good at barefoot massage.

And it’s not going to happen if you take an online class. It may not happen if you only take 1 live class.

You may need to retake your 1st class (especially if it takes a while to get the bars up).

And you will certainly be better with each continuing ed class you take.

Is there anything preventing you from a long lasting deep tissue massage career?

The ball’s in your court.

Interested in learning more about barefoot massage?

Visit us at www.barefootmassagecenter.com

We have tons of Tip and Tricks on YouTube!

And check out our Facebook page

Don’t forget Instagram!

Mary-Claire Fredette has been licensed as a massage therapist in Ohio since the last century.


She learned barefoot massage in 2002 and hasn’t looked back, beginning teaching in 2004.

You can find her classes in her natural light studio in Cincinnati.

She co-founded the Center for Barefoot Massage with husband Paul and the barefoot massage idea-preneur Jeni Spring in 2017.

Knowing your ideal client

Whether you’ve learned barefoot massage already or are pondering your possibilities, it’s important to decide who your ideal client is for barefoot massage.

Really, you should know this even if you haven’t even considered the possibility of taking our classes!

1st consideration

You can’t serve everyone.

Think of big chains.

While it may seem like they serve everyone, they’ve probably narrowed it down something like this-the person

  1. wants the convenience of a membership
  2. doesn’t mind seeing a wide variety of therapists
  3. wants a less expensive massage
  4. is willing to buy products

2nd thought

In trying to have everyone as your client, you are missing out on those who want to find someone who specializes in XYZ.

This brings us to specializing in a modality.

You don’t have to be a barefoot nerd like we are. Some massage therapists love taking a wide variety of CE classes, and we’re into that as well.

But when you offer 37 items on your massage menu, it:

  • creates confusion with your potential clients
  • it makes it harder for them to make a decision
  • ultimately, they’ll probably leave your site
  • you aren’t seen as an expert in any one field-you look more like a dabbler in modalities.
  • Just pick a couple of things and get really good at them.

Be known for something specific.

3rd idea

Now that you’ve chosen a thing or 2 to specialize in, who do you want to work with?

My ideal client used to be someone like me (Mary-Claire)-a parent who didn’t have a whole lot of money but wanted to take care of themselves. As a result, I didn’t charge a whole lot.

While noble, that’s not a great idea if you actually want to make a living doing massage therapy.

When deciding your ideal client (also known as an “avatar”), get super specific.

Do you want to work with:

  • men or women
  • athletes or wanna be’s
  • someone who’s working from home and is stressed out
  • car accident rehab patients
  • oncology patients (not for barefoot massage, though)
  • etc. (you catch my drift, right?)

What’s their name?
Do they have kids? How many? Ages?
What are their hobbies?
What kind of work do they do?

Be specific as you can. For instance, mine looks something like this:

Bob is a 54-year-old married dad of 2 whose kids are out of the house. He has a Labradoodle named Sals who he takes on walks twice a day. He is an upper-level executive of marketing with Procter and Gamble and likes to hike on his days off. He loves deep tissue massage and is a foodie.

What 3 important facts does this tell me?
1. He has a reasonable amount of disposable income with his job and his kids being out of the house.
2. Bob likes being outdoors and getting exercise.
3. Being a foodie, he is open to new experiences.

1. He would probably like stretching added into his barefoot massages (which I want to do)
2. Bob has enough money and time to take care of himself with regular massage.
3. As a matter of fact, Bob is an ideal client who can afford to come 2x a month to receive massage.
4. He is willing to try new-to-him techniques such as side-lying,

Knowing your ideal client will help you target your social media and marketing to the right potential client.

Interested in learning more about barefoot massage?

Visit us at www.barefootmassagecenter.com

We have tons of Tip and Tricks on YouTube!

And check out our Facebook page

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