We get asked this question a lot – “Can I train my staff when I get back to work?” Or, “My spa director wants me to attend class so that I can train the employees everything I learned!”
Long story short – you cannot teach the work you learn in our classes UNLESS you are accepted into our instructor training program.
By attending our training workshops you will be a part of our professional family, and you’ll represent our work with every step you take.
As such, we have quality assurance and maintenance considerations to prevent any misrepresentation of the work itself, and to halt any unauthorized instructional programs. It is essential that the purity and safety features of our myofascial barefoot massage work, as well as the high-quality teaching standards established for the Center for Barefoot Massages curriculum, be upheld and honored for the continued respect of this lineage, as well as for the growth and support of our loyal FasciAshi practitioners.
This training we provide does not qualify or certify you to teach our protocols, sequences, techniques or methods in any environment, in any capacity. Attending our workshops or acquiring our materials does not qualify you, or give permission to teach any aspect of the technique, or present the FasciAshi format.
Implying that you are an instructor, trainer, a Certified practitioner, or any similar designation in any format is unethical, and goes against the Training and Use Agreement that every one of our adult learner students sign.
The FasciAshi courses you attend are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the “knowing” the work. While in class, we encourage you to focus on learning the material for yourself, and retain what you can – without any agenda to teach this to your staff or other massage friends. Studies do show that there is never 100% retention level of material presented in adult learning – as humans, we learn what we can, and we take away what is most relevant to us at that time. Attending the course once as a student is not sufficient experience or training to represent any professional technique well. Don’t be come this student.
We want the best training for you, and for the sake of the future of the growing barefoot massage industry, we want the best possible representations being echoed across classrooms. To help our profession grow, as well as our little niche within it, we work very hard to deeply train our experienced staff in many nuances and elements of myofascial barefoot massage and curating a successful learning environment. We do not feel that this work should be passed down by word of mouth, so to speak. Let your staff and friends experience the same depth of information and resources, and encourage them to attend a live training with us. The benefits they will reap will equal yours, and you can continue to grow on your own path at first, and then together as a team.
Unless you have successfully passed our FasciAshi instructor training program that leads to status as a FasciAshi Instructor, and have written consent from the creative forces behind The Center for Barefoot Massage, LLC, you cannot teach what you learn in our classes. If you are interested in teaching FasciAshi, and want to help us spread our toes and expand our footprint on the massage industry, if you resonate with our philosophy, we welcome you to email us your resume and letter of interest to info@barefootmassagecenter.com
The Center for Barefoot Massage and FasciAshi as brands are comprised of a proprietary set of trademarks, logos, and designs. These, along with its copyright materials such as handouts, manuals, posters, media, online resources and other intellectual property is and shall remain in full ownership of The Center for Barefoot Massage, LLC. Any reports that show proof of our intellectual property being reproduced and taught without authorization will be met with legal consequences.
Thank you for understanding and respecting our commitment to barefoot massage excellence.
We get asked this question a lot – “Can I train my staff when I get back to work?” Or, “My spa director wants me to attend class so that I can train the employees everything I learned!” Long story short – you cannot teach the work you learn in our classes UNLESS you are accepted into our instructor training…