
Are YOU looking for an ashiatsu training referral?

ashiatsu training referral

“I wanted to wait until I got to a computer to write this review, so I wouldn’t give my thumbs arthritis from the length of it. First off, this was, by far the best CE class I have ever taken.
You could tell that every single move and piece of information was carefully selected and tested over and over again. There were so many nods to many of the famous movement specialists such as Thomas Meyer and I think Feldenkrais. I was so impressed because you just felt how well researched everything was.
Second, this is what my routine was missing. Sure my clients love my regular ashiatsu, but now with the ROM, my regular routine feels like a warm-up for all the goodness to come.
For the past year I felt like I was stunted in how well I could massage because there were so many areas I felt needed more work but had no idea how to go about it. Many of my clients are desk workers and with my regular ashi, the hip flexors and pecs just weren’t getting the right attention.
ROM taught me how to effectively open the front lines of the body and now my massage feels more complete than ever. Not that I wasn’t before, but I actually feel like I’m *doing* something and it is so invigorating. Third, the instructor was a fantastic teacher and I am so excited she is on your team.
I don’t think I’ve ever had so much fun learning and we had such a great group of ladies. I’m already getting such rave reviews from my clients and I can’t wait to take more classes!


From PB Crotinger in Idaho. She sent us this ashiatsu training referral after attending our “FasciAshi Fundamentals” class. Thank you

…I love the information and all the range of education you can receive within this modality…