Are YOU looking for a Center for Barefoot Massage referral?

“I love the information and all the range of education you can receive within this modality. Class I had was an “intro” class absolutely amazing and fun. It was set up like round robin and you went from station to station learning something different about what you can do and what you need to do to become a practitioner in this modality!
Definitely wanting to take more classes!!”
From Ana Malachowski Mmp, the founder, facilitator and body therapist at Artistic Hands Massage Therapy in Arizona. She sent this Center for Barefoot Massage referral after attending our “HandsFree” class at the 2017 World Massage Festival in Las Vegas. Thank you Ana!
If you aren’t sure which class is right for you? Try the 1 day, or 1/2 day HandsFree class, where you’ll get a chance to learn a little bit of Fijian, and a little bit of Fasciashi!
…I love the information and all the range of education you can receive within this modality…