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BAREFOOT MASSAGE OPEN 2.2: #Massage Week 2

Here we are: 2 weeks into the second annual Barefoot Massage Open, a weekly massage challenge for ashiatsu therapists – this Friday we’ll step into WEEK 3! But lets not get ahead of ourselves…. lets focus on the now! Today is Tuesday, which means it’s #2sdayTOESday & also massage day in our #AshiatsuChallenge

(It’s also Mardi GrASHIATSU today!!)

Here’s a recap of what we’ve covered so far in the Barefoot Massage Open 2.0:

Put your game face on, cuz your massage game is about to get REAL this week!

Here’s our Week 2 #AshiChallenge

Anatomy Based Barefoot Massage:

X-Ray Vision!

Pull your Skeleton out of the closet (or borrow one from a friend) and watch the video to palpate bones with your feet!

anatomy based barefoot massage open 2.2 massage challenge xray vision

Need some anatomy resources?

 Save 15% on all Trail Guide to the Body books, posters and flashcards!

What the foot is all this Barefoot Massage Open 2.0 business!??!?!?!? It’s a friendly 5 week massage challenge, where we give you something to chew on 2x/week! On Fridays, our New York Instructor Dawn Dotson will be posting mobility/stability exercises and activities for your body…. And on Tuesdays, Jeni Spring will post an #AshiatsuChallenge for you to do while you massage!!!

The point is to draw your attention back to your understanding and approach to the barefoot massages that you provide. Using mindfulness and awareness activities, we hope these yearly challenges help you to check back in, focus, and help you find more “WHY” within your work.

Knowing more of why you do what you do will help you grow deeper into the technique.

Get FASCIAnated and find your Why with FasciAshi!

Want to catch up and do last years 2018 Barefoot Massage Open challenges? Start here!

Here we are: 2 weeks into the second annual Barefoot Massage Open, a weekly massage challenge for ashiatsu therapists – this Friday we’ll step into WEEK 3! But lets not get ahead of ourselves…. lets focus on the now! Today is Tuesday, which means it’s #2sdayTOESday & also massage day in our #AshiatsuChallenge… (It’s also Mardi GrASHIATSU today!!) Here’s a…