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BAREFOOT MASSAGE OPEN 2.2: #Mobility Week 2

This year, for our SECOND ANNUAL ASHI-CHALLENGE (which coincides with the CrossFit Open) we bring you the BAREFOOT MASSAGE OPEN 2.0: with 2x the content!!!

On Fridays, our New York Instructor Dawn Dotson will be posting mobility/stability exercises and activities for your body…. And on Tuesdays, Jeni will post challenges to do while you massage!!!

Here’s our Week #2 Mobility challenge from Dawn

Watch the video and work on this for the next week!

barefoot massage open 2.2 mobility challenge

Having knee pain? Need some mobility tips?
Here ya go! This week we focused on strengthening & mobilizing the knee ?

Flexion gapping is a great way to warm up and create more space!

•To start off, grab your lacrosse ball and place it behind the knee. •Grab your shin and PULL. •Point those toes straight up and create as much tension as possible.
Hold for a few seconds and release.

The TKE is a great way to strengthen your legs without stressing the knee!

• Attach a resistance band to a stable object and place behind the knee. • Keep your opposite leg straight.
• Fully extend the knee and use your quads to squeeze the lockout harder.
• Drive your knee out and don’t cave in.

Leg raises! Great for strengthening muscles

• With legs out straight, sit as tall as possible and point your toes towards you. • Keeping your quads together, turn them outward and continue tension in the legs.
• Try to lift your legs straight up without losing tension and keeping quads turned out.

Work on those pistols!

• Find a box or bench and slowly lower yourself keeping tension and control. • Reach your arms out for balance and look straight ahead .

Got questions about how to do these exercises?

No Prob! Ask them in the comments below, or email Dawn@BarefootMassageCenter.com

This year, for our SECOND ANNUAL ASHI-CHALLENGE (which coincides with the CrossFit Open) we bring you the BAREFOOT MASSAGE OPEN 2.0: with 2x the content!!! On Fridays, our New York Instructor Dawn Dotson will be posting mobility/stability exercises and activities for your body…. And on Tuesdays, Jeni will post challenges to do while you massage!!! Here’s our Week #2 Mobility…