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Is the Center for Barefoot Massage a Massage School?

Is the Center for Barefoot Massage a Massage School? No, we are a Continuing Education and Professional Development company. Aspiring massage therapists entering the field looking for their foundational training to become licensed or certified massage therapists will need to look for accredited massage schools that meet your states massage licensure requirements. Programs are often 500-1000+ hours, depending on state…

Barefoot Massage Open Challenge 2024: coming in March!

Get ready for this years Barefoot Massage Open Challenge! This year’s topic for the “Open” is on common physical imbalances of Barefoot Massage Therapists that could result in injury. Our instructors have been talking behind the scenes A LOT about all the things that make up “body mechanics“… things like your alignment while working, as well as what movement possibilities and…

Unlocking the Potential & Break the cycle of repetitive injury

One step at a time with Barefoot Massage  As massage therapists, we are intimately acquainted with the physical toll our profession can take on our bodies. Repetitive strain injuries, particularly in the upper extremities, are a pervasive challenge, affecting nearly 65% of therapists, with over 80% feeling vulnerability in their hands. Regardless of the injuries we treat, it’s inevitable that…

National Massage Therapy Awareness Week: 2023

Resources for you to use to educate your immediate circles on the benefits of Massage AND ways to help YOU be more aware within your Barefoot Massage sessions. First off, welcome to this years National Massage Therapy Awareness Week! This long holiday is our professions chance to spend an ENTIRE DEDICATED WEEK to promote the health benefits of massage therapy and…

Can I do Barefoot Massage on a mat? Or does it have to be on a table?!

This is a frequently asked question – especially if you have low ceilings that may be difficult to build bars in, if you are very tall with low ceilings and are considering dropping your table to the floor, and/or if you are already offering Thai/Shiatsu/Breema/Rossiter Matwork on the ground and want more footwork. The style of Myofascial Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage…

Recap from the Phoenix 2023 AMTA National Massage Convention

Myself and four of our instructors just got back home after sharing Fijian Barefoot Massage in Phoenix at the AMTA national massage convention! We set up a booth in the exhibit hall, provided about 45 Barefoot Matwork sample sessions, and talked to many of the 1,500+ Massage Therapists in the conventions attendance that visted us! Meet the feet: We had…

I’m already ashiatsu trained – where do I start?

I’m already ashiatsu trained – where do I start? We are SO glad that you found us, and that you are considering learning our myofascial ashiatsu barefoot massage style of work! If you are ready to ask questions, be challenged, and grow your understanding of barefoot massage, then you are gonna love this game-changing take on westernized ashiatsu barefoot massage.…

Center for Barefoot Massage Continuing Education Class Policies

Before you sign up for a class, please read our “Before You Sign Up For Our Barefoot Massage Training” blog post. Once enrolled, look for a registration confirmation email from info@barefootmassagecenter.com! At any time, you may read our frequently asked questions, and contact us for more information on any topic. We are here to help you transition to a confident Barefoot…

Barefoot Massage training during COVID19

The Center for Barefoot Massage understands your concerns about attending a class during a pandemic. We will be following the FSMTB’s “Massage and Bodywork Guidelines for Practice” modeling our classrooms after the precautions set forth on pages 28-33. We have implemented Air Quality monitoring in each classroom to help our instructors maintain sufficient fresh airflow and have an effective number of…

Spotlight! Myofascial Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage Training on the Central California Coast with instructor Missy Anderson-Fritch

Experienced Barefoot Massage Therapist? Check. Business owner, mom, been in the biz almost a quarter of a century? CHECK! We’re excited to introduce this new member of our team to you: Meet Missy from San Luis Obispo, our Central California Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage Instructor! Her 1st class is December 1-3, 2022: sign up by November 1st and join Missy and…

Our tuition

With our price change on March 17, 2022, we’ve had to do a LOT of work. (Mostly Jeni. Mary-Claire here is trying to help.) Because our barefoot massage website, barefoot blog site and membership site are so extensive, there’s a possibility that we’ve missed a price change here or that. If you happen to notice anything not these current prices:…