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Tag: Fundamentals

Spotlight! Myofascial Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage Training on the Central California Coast with instructor Missy Anderson-Fritch

Experienced Barefoot Massage Therapist? Check. Business owner, mom, been in the biz almost a quarter of a century? CHECK! We’re excited to introduce this new member of our team to you: Meet Missy from San Luis Obispo, our Central California Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage Instructor!

Her 1st class is December 1-3, 2022: sign up by November 1st and join Missy and Jeni for a fabulous weekend in the FasciAshi Fundamentals class!

Sign up here

Your name

Missy Anderson-Fritch


Dog named Mister (a sassy 6-year-old husky/pit mix), 2 black cats- Romeo & Juliette, 11-year-old siblings born on the fall Equinox… how very witchy.

Tell us about your family too.

Single mom of two teenage boys Marshall 17 & Carter 16. Marshall does JuJitsu. Carter is gonna be a rock star.

How much is ashiatsu training?

How much does ashiatsu training cost?

How much are classes?

  • Fundamentals:  $750(3 days, 24 CE’s)
  • Fijian: $500  (2 days, 16 CE’s)
  • Intermediate: $500  (2 days, 16 CE’s)
  • ROM: $500  (2 days, 16 CE’s)
  • Advanced: $500 (2 days, 16 CE’s)
  • Hot Ashi: $250   (1 day. 8 CE’s)
  • IF IT’S A TRAVEL CLASS: meaning, if the instructor travelled to the location to teach there, then the tuition will be +$100 more than usual to help cover the costs of bringing an amazing guest instructor to town!

Payment plans are available, read more here



Included in your tuition costs:

  • Alumni Membership Website access, which includes curated resources and materials to start your new barefoot massage practice.
  • Study videos demonstrating each stroke taught in class.
  • Online networking and support group with fellow practitioners and instructors.
  • A printed and bound class workbook, with:
    • anatomical references to each stroke
    • THe structural goal to each stroke
    • pro-tips from the founders,
    • your notes and journal entries from observation time in class.
    • Specific Cautions and Contraindications to the strokes learned- and each section of our Pathology and Contraindications were reviewed by Ruth Werner, BCBMT.
    • Strap installation instructions in each workbook,
    • Bar Installation instructions included in the Fundamentals class workbook.
    • Client evaluation forms to help gather feedback during your self-study practice sessions.

Any additional costs?

  • Optional Sole Provider boosted listing on our alumni locator map: ranging from FREE-$80-$150 (Basic listings are FREE!)
  • Optional Pro-Membership for upgraded study videos, with monthly anatomy and marketing challenges: Price TBA upon next release
  • Bar installation cost varies greatly depending on supplies, design and labor. Common costs range between $150-$400
  • Support Straps (Ashi-Straps) are $25 each, and you’ll want a few to switch between clients.
  • Portable Bar designs available for $150! You’ll save on shipping and will be able to custom design your travel bars to your exact measurements for the best body mechanics. Contract a local welder to build the portable bars off our designs, and you’ll be supporting local businesses in your area.
  • ~Eventually~ a level of Endorsement will be available after testing: price TBD.

Is the Center for Barefoot Massage an Approved Continuing Education Provider?

ncbtmb continuing education provider

The short answer is: YES, of course!

Our CE Provider #1333 status with the NCBTMB and we have maintained that approval since March 2017.


The long answer is: it may depend on your state.

If your state has NCBTMB reciprocity, meaning that they acknowledge and accept NCBTMB approved courses for your Continuing Education hour requirements, then our classes are automatically valid for you.

Our provider numbers for select states are available for your review below.

CE Broker tracking number: # 50-20211

New York NCBTMB CE Provider Number: 1333 (approved as a part of our NCBTMB affiliation) Fundamentals, ROM, Intermediate, Advanced, Hot Ashi, HandsFree

Florida CE Broker Tracking Number: 50-20211 All Classes Approved

Georgia CE Broker Tracking Number: 50-20211 All Classes Approved

Mississippi Provider Number: 2642  – Approved for Fundamentals (Program #518) and Fijian (Program #541)

Louisiana Provider Number: 236  Approved for Fundamentals (#LCEU0002384) and Fijian (#LCEU0002385)

If your state is not listed:

They may have automatic NCBTMB Reciprocity! We cannot help you determine if the CE’s are valid in your state: you will need to check directly with your state to ensure our NCBTMB approved course will be accepted.

If your state does not have NCBTMB Continuing Education Reciprocity, then we will only consider expanding into their network once we notice a high demand for the most popular class(es). Until then, we hope that your love for barefoot massage and your plans to learn this work are not detoured merely because your state doesn’t recognize the credits. You may be able to easily fulfill your state renewal requirements through inexpensive local and online classes in other topics, and utilize our myofascial ashiatsu “FasciAshi” classes for your own professional development and career focus that takes you above and beyond your states standard! The lack of our ease of access in your region may be discouraging other LMT’s, which just leaves more space for you to stand apart from the rest.

Some state massage boards have created their own guidelines or limits for content they are willing to accept, along with content they require to be completed. A few of these state boards overrule the industry-standard NCBTMB CE Provider approvals and are instead requiring Continuing Education providers like The Center for Barefoot Massage to apply for and register each individual instructor on their team for each individual class they each teach.

It’s unfortunate that not all states acknowledge the NCBTMB. State-by-state approval of CE courses in massage therapy can be time-consuming, costly, and inefficient – so the Center for Barefoot Massage may not apply for CE Approval in states with additional requirements until a higher demand is seen in that region.

If we were to maintain every state license/approval for each class and every instructor, above and beyond that of the NCBTMB, it could cause tuition rates to increase due to almost constant licensure renewals.

With 13 instructors on our team and a roster of over 14 versions of our classes on file with the NCBTMB – on top of the inconsistent requirements for what constitutes “a class” or an instructor between each state board – we (along with many other team-based nationally recognized CE Providers,) have chosen not to sign on with every individual state, and not for every single class, and to only apply where we physically teach, or where a good percentage of our learners come from.

Things are evolving in the continuing education accreditation sector in the field of massage, and the current situation may not always be the case – things can change, and we are hoping they will! We have our big toes on the pulse of the industry and are watching closely to where the NCBTMB, FSMTB CE Broker, AFMTE and others are taking us.

Notice: As the Center for Barefoot Massage is working to help keep Barefoot Massage techniques ethically and professionally represented within the scope of practice of Massage Therapy, we will ONLY train reports to ce broker for Florida AshiatsuLicensed Massage Therapists. We will not seek out accreditation with other non-Massage Continuing Education Provider accrediting entities of other professions such as for Physical Therapists, Chiropractors, Yoga Therapists, Acupuncturists, etc.

We are not currently pursuing International Accreditation – but will still require proof of a regionally equivalent Massage Therapy License for any student who wishes to attend our courses. Our focus right now is presenting our courses to licensed massage therapists in the states before expanding internationally. If we can work together in the future to research your countries requirements for the massage profession, and how our continuing education classes could be set up for accreditation in that region, please contact us.

If your state/province is not listed above, contact your licensing or registration board directly to see if they will accept our course for CE credits toward licensure/registration renewal. If you have concerns or questions about your state CE requirements, please raise them with your board.

Do you have questions about what your states Continuing Education renewal requirements are? Google your state’s Massage Board!

Spotlight! Barefoot Massage Training in CA with instructor Ashley Shears

Have you dreamed of moving to the west coast to enjoy a life where you can walk outside barefoot 24/7? Our barefoot Instructor-in-Training Ashley Shears has done just that! While we may be a little envious of that beach life, we’re excited to introduce her to you!

Your name

Ashley Shears


Although I’m currently pet-less, I had many pets growing up! I had 2 cocker spaniels (Sam & Sadie), 1 black lab (Scotty), 2 cats (Oscar & Misty), 4 finches (Minnie, Mickey, Daisy, & Donald) [My family loved Disney!], and a hamster my brother named Muffin. 

Tell us about your family too.

I grew up in a small railroad town in northeast Indiana. Though my family was small (just my brother and me), we had lots of cousins which made it seem like our family was huge! Most of my family still lives in my small town with the exception of my brother, who lives in Colorado, and myself. 

What did you want to be when you grew up and why?

Barefoot Massage Class Instructor Spotlight: Erin Poovey

Fun fact: Colorado Springs was recently named the best city to live in for the 2nd year in a row (US News & World Report). Visit Helen Hunt Falls, the Manitou Incline in Manitou Springs, paddleboard in the Springs, or get a massage from one of Erin’s gifted therapists. And now, meet Erin!

Your name?

Erin Poovey


I’m a crazy plant lady but no pets currently.

My husband and I keep talking about getting chickens. I think that would be so fun. 

Tell us about your family!

Married to Justin for 6 years and I’m mama to Norah Luna. She’s 2. I’m a completely obsessed mama so be fair warned that if you follow my personal social media its just Norah. They keep my life full of light and fun.

What did you want to be when you grew up and why?

In elementary school, I wanted to be a teacher. I totally forgot about that until thinking about this question. Guess that came true <3

Where do you teach?

I teach in Colorado Springs Colorado at my business Camino Massage Therapy.

What’s cool about your city (or fun things to do)?

Learn Barefoot Massage with Instructor: Julie Marciniak

When you meet our Durham barefoot training instructor Julie in person, you may be fooled by her petite size. Her sweet-sounding Southern way of talking is simply sugar coating on her wickedly deep and specific feet, which she uses to Rolf. 

Your name?
Julie H Marciniak

Tell us about your pets!

Jack is our last dachshund baby. We lost Max right before Christmas this year. He was a dachshund too.

Introduce us to your family.

My eldest is our son Blake, SPC (Specialist) in the Army. Our daughter Michaela is a sophomore in college. My husband is Michael, a lieutenant colonel in the Army National Guard (his photo is in the header.).

What did you want to be when you grew up and why?

Barefoot Massage Class Instructor Spotlight: Sara Newberry

Sara in St. Louis is the owner of Sole Shine Barefoot Massage, located in an eclectic neighborhood in St. Louis. Fun fact: she has a very large painted plaster foot outside her office (see it in the photo of her studio)!

Your name

Sara Newberry 

Tell us about your pets.

2 Cats- Sully & Weekend (Their names came from the shelter. Weekend is unusual and I thought surely my kids would change her name but it stuck. She came in with a litter on the weekend (hence her name) but her brothers and sisters were all named Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Weekend We ended up with Weekend) 1 Dog- Mickey. He’s super old and barks a lot

Tell us about your family!

I have 2 kids, 1 stepdaughter. I’m a single mom of two with an amazing partner named Stephen. My mom passed away almost 3 years ago and I’ve been a guide for others going through the grief process since then. 

What did you want to be when you grew up and why?

Barefoot Massage Training Instructor Spotlight: Hillary Arrieta

Today’s Barefoot Massage Instructor spotlight is coming at you from Richardson, TX, a suburb of Dallas. Say hello to Hillary!

Your name

Hillary Arrieta

Tell us about your puppies.

I have two dogs, Winnie (Maltese mix age 11) Luna (Great Pyrenees mix age 3). Both are girls. (And she shamelessly puts capes on them sometimes).

Tell us about your family too!

NAH…hahah! Just kidding. My husband and I have been married for 10 years and we love to do things with our dogs and travel when we can. He has a nerdy job with a company where he makes 3D printed collectibles and props for movies.  

What did you want to be when you grew up and why?

I wanted to work for myself because I have a strong need for autonomy. It’s also in my blood. My grandpa owned his own service station for 50 years in the small town where my mom grew up and I always looked up to him.

Where do you teach?

I teach in a suburb of Dallas, Texas called Richardson at my workshop space at Gaia Bodywork.

What’s cool about your city?

Richardson is a great place to EAT. Especially if you like a large variety for all different kinds of food. 

Which classes do you teach?

I teach FUNdamentals, Fijian, and the Relax track classes (currently Hot Ashi).

How has doing barefoot massage changed your career?

It’s made me enjoy massage therapy so much more. I don’t get bored and I feel like it’s creative and challenging every day. I use my mind and my body which I think helps to keep me engaged.

What do you love about teaching barefoot massage?

I love seeing my students get excited. For some of them, It’s been a long time since they’ve felt passionate about their career. I feel like I get to be a part of bringing that spark back to their massage practice.

Other than doing barefoot massage until you die, what would you do when it comes time to retire?

Move to Costa Rica, be a beach bum, and chill out with a billion dogs on the beach. 


Herbalism and kitchen witchery, reading, walking, gardening, and skin care. 

Can you drive a stick shift, scooter, motorcycle, boat? (If so, what? Or any other random thing you can drive.

Nope. hahah!

Any tips to keep yourself healthy as a massage therapist?

I think sleep is super important because I need that regeneration time and also taking breaks to keep a healthy mindset. 

What’s a random thing that most people don’t know about you?

I use to take syncronized swimming classes growing up. I don’t think you can get any more random than that! HAHA!

What are your favorite foods?


Where have you been published?


✓ Spotlight on Fijian Massage

Where can people schedule an appointment with you? 

At Gaia in Richardson! (Note: Mary-Claire here. I had a client who visited Hillary when he was in town for a wedding. He LOVED his barefoot massage!)

Find Hillary at the Center for Barefoot Massage 

Texas Ashiatsu: Instagram

 GaiaBodywork: Instagram

Hillary’s official bio:

Hillary Arrieta is a holistic wellness expert, licensed massage therapist, industry educator, and small business owner. She specializes in barefoot massage and Ayurvedic therapies to help her health-conscious clients reach their wellness goals.

Located in Dallas, Texas, Hillary’s customized sessions are infused with Western herbalism, aromatics, mediation, and restorative bodywork to ease her clients towards radiance and joyful living.

Hillary has taught massage therapists since 2008 from the basic certification program to her own workshops at Gaia Bodywork. Hillary has the honor of teaching as an approved instructor for the Center for Barefoot Massage. She strives to create an organized and comfortable learning environment.

What Ashiatsu Contraindications are there for attending FasciAshi students

We will thoroughly discuss ashiatsu contraindications for your clients in every FasciAshi class.

We aim to maintain a safe learning environment for everyone, to massage ethically, and to ensure that every attendee in class gets to experience what the work feels like. As such, there are some ashiatsu contraindications, health cautions and concerns that students need to consider for themselves.

Speak with your instructor to clarify your specific situation and see if receiving 2-3 hours a day of ashiatsu during training through the Center for Barefoot Massage is, or maybe isn’t, appropriate for you at this time.

Ashiatsu Contraindications for Students in FasciAshi Classes

Anything contraindicated for deep tissue, or myofascial release, will be contraindicated for receiving Fasciashi in class

The deep compression provided by this modality could be dangerous for those still recovering from invasive procedures or ailments.

If you are currently pregnant, trying to get pregnant, have recently had breast/gluteal/calf implants and/or some select surgeries within the last 9 months, we regret that you cannot attend the seminar. 

It is not our intention to discourage or discriminate anyone from taking this class, we must focus on a quality workshop experienced by all and maintain the safety standards of the modality.

Do I need to be a Licensed Massage Therapist to learn FasciAshi?

Do you need to be a Licensed Massage Therapist to learn FasciAshi?

Yes. Attendees in our courses MUST be Licensed Massage Therapists who are legally eligible to provide paid, professional therapeutic massage therapy services to the public in accordance with the laws in their state. Since we are massage therapy educators, we are here to “solely” teach massage therapists.

The Center for Barefoot Massage is working to help support and grow the massage industry, and is only training Licensed Massage Therapists within the field of massage therapy, to those who have the license to touch.

Read the Cancellation Policy

Licensed Massage Therapist can be BAREFOOT Massage Therapists!

MASSAGE STUDENTS who are still attending their entry level, pre-licensing training are not eligible. Those who have attended and completed massage school are also not eligible until you are licensed by the state you are practicing in. This is a new rule as of 2023.

BODYWORKERS who are not licensed but are allowed to practice Rolfing, Shiatsu, Thai, etc, ARE NOT ELIGIBLE to attend our courses without first obtaining a massage therapy license.

If the practitioner resides and practices in a state that is not currently regulated, then prior to registration or within 15 days of the start of class, we will need you to provide a copy of your massage school transcript, showing completion of a minimum of a single 500 hours in-class massage therapy training program. We may also require proof of professional liability insurance.